Dear Ones Everything the Jews did was based on the law of God. They truly lived in the law, and believed in the law. Especially those who lived righteously for God. Here Paul is reminding them that though some do not live by the law, they will die and those who live by the law will be judged by the law. Those who live by the law and it manifest in their lives (doers) will be declared righteous. What does this mean? Well, in my simple mind, I will try to explain it. 'Paul's claims that God would impartially judge."(remember verse 11 says there is no favoritism.) But the Jews who were God's chosen people believed that they were above everyone else. They didn't believe that God would treat them as the heathen or the Gentiles. "All who have sinned apart from The law (the law given to the people by Moses also know as the Torah) and those sinned under the law, Paul alleges the results for each group is the same, they will perish. Paul is asserting the equality between Jew and Gentile before God in the judgement. Jews will be condemned even though they have the Torah because God justifies doers of the law, not only who just hear it." (Exert from Encountering the book of Romans)Dear Ones, though we have been set free of the law with the blood sacrificial atonement of animals, we are not free of obeying the Word of God. God does expect his "chosen people" those who call upon the name of Jesus to be doers of the Word and not just hearers. We will be judged one day for the new life we are to be living in Him. Study your Word, know what God desires for you and from you. Thank you for journeying with me. -Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts
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