Dear Ones. Paul continues to address his Jewish brothers. After Guesting their hearts um verses 21-23 he concludes with a reminder that their actions Defames the name of GOD and that their actions affect how others see Gob. Oh how this message rings true for us to day. How many timeshave you heard people say they won't go to church because it is full of hypocrites. (as if the only place you find hypocritesis church-but that is another message) or that they won't go to church because of the people. DearOnes, though these words are truefor the person saying it. It should not be this way! What the people of the church forget is we are to be reaching the hurting and lost. We are Not a social club that gathers once a week. We are servants And messengers, sent to be the hands, feet, mouth and heart of Christ. Let us not forget that! Thank you for journey with me.- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts
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