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Showing posts from 2009

Christmas Morning…

Hello dear friends Christmas morning brought a bittersweet end to a sweet time we have had for the last 12 days. We got up, made hot chocolate and lit our candles for our last time of Candle light devotions. What a sweet time in of reading, prayer, and singing it has been reflecting on the coming of our Savior and the reason we made purposed for such as a time as this.. Christmas.     Adding the last piece was so joyous, but so sad… Christmas morning was sweet. Each child opening 3 presents a piece. Not expensive things, but things we knew they would enjoy. <></>

our Babe and Dad

One thing about having a little one “later” in life- (since I had the older ones by the time I was 26 years old) is knowing and appreciating how quickly time flies and to enjoy each minute with these little developing souls. I sure do wish I had this wisdom when I was younger, but I didn’t.  Our babe may not have the over energetic parents, that could run, jump and crawl, but he has the gracious, more calm more patient parents.   Here are photos of our Babe- painting with his daddy a train that we bought at hobby lobby for a $1! What a joy it was to see the two of them putting their minds together to paint this wooden train.   These are the times he will never forget!


At this time of the year everyone is filled with traditions. Things they do every year  to prepare their hearts to celebrate the greatest, and truest meaning of this season- celebrating the Birth of our Savior. We are no exception.. we started this tradition last year. Our hearts were to focus ourselves completely on what we are celebrating and why we are celebrating it so every evening, we light these candles…   gather around the table to read the scripture for the night, we sing the corresponding carol/hymn, then daddy reads a story. The story normally goes with which every figure we must pull and set up for our nativity scene. So far this is what we have out: The Donkey was first- because he carried Mary to Bethlehem, then the cow- was probably in the stable, the sheep were probably brought by the Shepherds who came to see the Savior, and then the Shepherd. This scene is such a humbling scene, one that reminds us that our Lord did not arrive in a mansion, or place b...

Baking and Celebrating the big boy

The one thing I love about Christmas is baking. I am NOT a baker!!! (to say the least- my sister Melissa has that gift) My Allie- has a hidden talent none of us  knew about…..     The most delicious chocolate chip cookies we have ever had.     Last night our Babe slept in his own bed all night long without waking up till morning! HURRAY  to our Big Boy. Mom and Dad are doing the happy dance!!!     Ugh some sobering news and MUCH prayer needed. I have been having a bit of car problems lately, so my beloved said it was time to take it in to my trusted mechanic. Well- it is the radiator- ugh it is leaking, and at the time had NO fluid in it. He was amazed the car did not over heat. (thank you Lord for your constant protection)  By the Grace of God it is a slow leak but will worsen over time, which means the radiator will need to be replaced!!! (At $400.00) This what we need prayer on- we do not have that kind of...

Wordless Wednesday

Dealing with unbelieving family members during the Christmas season

  I read a post this morning that I thought I would past on. 5 Tips to handling Unbelieving family during the Holiday - all her suggestions where great, and the post is so worth reading. I wanted to add though that I do not think this is left for just Unbelieving family members. Her suggestions are a great way to handle any differences or conviction differences with family members period. All of her suggestion where grace filled, and kind, though still standing on the convictions they live for.   (protecting their children)   If you have a challenges during this season because of family, read it just might give you some ideas.   May the peace of our Lord that pass all understanding be with you.   Angie

HP TouchSmart 600 Giveaway

no I am not the one giving it away over at BooMama’s blog , she is giving it away. I really do hope NO one goes and checks it out, or even enters a comment, which gives me more of chance of NOT winning it. See I don’t win things. Let me correct myself in the past year that I have enter give aways I won ONE- yes just one. (thanks again Angee) So there you have it- my blog on the best give away of the year, which I know I won’t win.

Women’s Bible Study

    At church last week we started something new, a women’s and men’s bible study. Each gender oriented, not to divide or separate the family, but for each to learn on specifically what God has called each gender to do. In today’s society the gender lines are so grey. There are times I have run into to someone and I truly could not tell if they were male or a female, even by their voice. God has called each of us, male and female to be different from each other. Not to dress alike, or even act alike. My beloved is a scaffold builders, he lifts anywhere from 30lbs to 70 lbs of material on his back and climb anywhere from 30 feet to more than 100 feet in the air. The strength in his arms, and legs surpass mine. I could never lift that much for 8 hours every day! My body was not made to do those things, but he was. I was made to do things differently… to be a tender, loving, caring to my children, to be frugal when it comes to caring for them all, to be sure they are ...

Here I am..

Hello Ya’LL!!! I am here. I am alive. I can not believe that this week has gone by. It is Thursday already? I started to feel bad in the beginning of the week, so I fought not feeling a hundred percent all week. Christmas was looking pretty dim around here because I was a bit slow in the decorating department. The children decided they were going to help mom get motivated So up went the stockings and the wreath on the door. I took PM to get his Texas driver’s liscense, did you know it is a two day process? First day you take the written test, then you have to come back VERY early in the morning to take the driver’s test. Wow- first time I ever experience a process like it! So in a nutshell that was my week. Talk to you again soon Angie

Christmas?- what is it really?

I will share I am not a big Holiday fan. I am a Christ fan, but I am  not a fan of what this season always seems to be about: spending,sales, and presents. You read over and over and over again in people's blog, twitters, etc how they are struggling to buy presents. Why?  Are we not to be celebrating HIM? This season some how has turn into a season of presents, instead of a season of THE ONE AND ONLY GREATEST GIFT OF ALL.  If I could wrap salvation in a box I would give this gift to people, because that is “truly” what  people need more than anything else. This season is not suppose to be about the best present you get or give, or the shopping, or being sucked in by every Christmas bargain out there. It should be about HIM- celebrating his birth. A gift for us believers that is matchless!   Teaching the true meaning of this season is what we focus on. We want to make sure that our children know  who this season is about and what it all truly means....

Snow in Texas

Can u believe we have snow in Texas? It seems that we have brought the snow back with us from PA. I just wish it would last longer and not turn into a mucky,slushy mess. - Posted using BlogPress from Angie

Family website and blog

We created a family website and a blog. Blog Come check them out. I still will have Ponder the Path of thy feet, so don't delete my bookmark - Posted using BlogPress from Angie

Pixel perfect photography contest

  Pixel perfect is holding a photo contest The one  and only – in a house full of all boys this developing  young lady is the only thing that keeps each of my young men on their toes. She is sweet, and loving, firm and honest.  She is truly someone very special to me! As she grows and changes I often wonder how empty my life would  be with her sparkling eyes and smiling face. I know one day she will leave to be married, but I find myself often praying that she won’t  go too far. ;-)  

wordless Wednesday

Are you a crown or a Rotting to his bones? Part 2

Continuance from yesterdays post….. What does it mean to be a crown? Websters 1828 dictionary- To crown means to bestow upon as a mark of honor or dignity A crown honors the person who is wearing it. A crown is an identifying object that “honors” or is a testimony. When you see a crown upon someone's head you know they are special. The Word speaks of crowns for a reward to those who are faithful to the Lord Jesus: crowns of rejoicing, crowns of righteousness. A wife is an identifying entity for her husband. What conclusion do people come to when they see you with your husband or when they hear you speak about your husband?   Proverbs 31:23 (23)  Her husband  is known  in the gates, when he sitteth among  the elders  of the land. This verse implies that part of the reason her husband is known is because of her faithfulness to her calling. She was honored by others and her attitude brought blessings unto her husband.   How...

Are you a crown or a rotting to His bones? Part 1

I listened to a message done by Mrs. Britt Williams - The information was such a treasure to me and a challenge that I thought I would share what I wrote down. As Mothers and wives we must hold true to the word of God and be obedient to what God has command of us. What kind of Testimony are you and your family? What do people see when they look upon you and your family? Do they see Biblical order? ponder these questions- think of what others might say of you. Ok- what kind of testimony are you to your husband? How do we represent him and his leadership? Proverbs 12:4 (4)  A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed  is as rottenness  in his bones. What Kind of Crown have you adorned your husband with? Is it sparkling with: - contentment - obedience - love -reverence or is it missing jewels, bent and tarnished? -nagging - grief -bitterness A women who maketh him ashamed is -not content -nagging -...

The Dash (of Life)

Sermon By Pastor Persinger-   Psa 90:1 -12 [[A Prayer of Moses the man of God.]] Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God. Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men. For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are [as] a sleep: in the morning [they are] like grass [which] groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled. Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret [sins] in the light of thy countenance. For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale [that is told]. ...

Happy Birthday my Sweet BABY

  View Full Album My baby is now three.. it is so sad for me to think about or even say… The time goes so fast. I cherish each second and accomplishment he has. He truly is a joy to me and our family. We adore him tremendously! If you spend a minute in our house, you know who holds our hearts!   I love you my gift from God! Mom/Angie

overwhelmed and Blessed

  Yesterday was my birthday. It started out early, my beloved did not get up as he normally would. His alarm went off and I awoke realizing he had turned it off. I turned and was encouraging him to get up or he was going to be late. He rolled over gave me a kiss and said Happy Birthday.I thanked him and still encouraged him to get up. He looked at me and said “ do you want your birthday present now” and I said “if you want” . He looked at me and said “ ok, happy birthday”, and then snuggled closer to me. I looked at him a bit confused at first and realized he was not going to work. I was overjoyed.  I was going to have day with my beloved. It did not quite turn out that way, instead it turned out to be a VERY busy day. I was so overwhelmed with the calls, and people who wanted to stop over to give me a card, or gift. My birthday is normally uneventful and quiet. With a call from my sister and maybe a call from my mother if she remembers, but for the most part quiet only ce...

First time for everything

My baby no longer looks like a baby but a boy. It makes me sad but had to be done Before After - Posted using BlogPress from Angie

To Be One-Review

To Be One- Three couples journey to Be One.     As we watched this movie/documentary my heart grieved because I can not say that this was my testimony when I found my husband/beloved and through years of stumbling around, God has been merciful to me and my beloved. He has protected us, our marriage and our children in spite of our ignorance and sin in the past. Hsa 4:6 The children are growing and as we have grown in the Lord- and we (my beloved and I) have tried to show them that only through Christ do all things come including a spouse.  Humans are followers doing as they see others do- in society it teaches our children to try as many as you can try before settling your heart on one. We believe that is a lie, that teaches the heart never to be satisfied, to always to be displeased and to trust emotions to mandate their relationship. As we all know our emotions can be deceiving and lead us in a way that would not be God honoring. This film is 3 couples lives who are...

Words of Wisdom:

What one generation does in moderation the next generation will do in EXCESS! We do not consider this statement in raising our children. Often times we tell them “do as I say, not as I do” but that philosophy has not worked to keep our children safe from sin or going the way of the world, instead of living on the path of righteousness.   They watch mom and dad drink “socially”, so they become alcoholics. They watch mom and dad smoke an occasional cigarette, and their smoking habits are far worse. They watch mom and dad sink into fleshly sin, and their appetites for satisfying the flesh far surpass those of their parents.   Reality is the bible was Breathed into existence as a living example for us to follow because humans are creatures that tend to follow each other. Example a famous actor or singer starts wearing their pants backwards, with the buckle in the back and how many people do you see doing the EXACT same thing?? As parents how do we expect our child...

Loving our church

The wonderful thing about being part of the body of Christ is blessing and laboring in love. Here my men preparing the concrete for new lines in the parking lot. - Posted using BlogPress from Angie

Guest Blogger at Pixel Perfect

Ok you all I was contacted a few weeks ago by Monica asking me to be a guest blogger on her blog. It was an incredible privilege to this homeschool mom. The post came out yesterday if you all want to jump over and check it out! Pixel Perfect Blog   See you there! Angie

Wordless Wednesday

  My niece- I am so proud of her

Women’s Meeting

  Yesterday evening was my first women’s meeting at our church. Sister Cheri(Pastor’s wife) held it and taught. The fellowship hall was all decorated very feminine. (sorry for the first time in a long time I FORGOT my camera) She made us a meal, chicken,brocoli, corn, with Alfredo noodles. It was all very good.But the Word she shared was wonderful. It was titled- A wolf in sheep’s clothing or a sheep in wolf’s clothing -it was on modest clothing.   Her information came from this sermon The Language of Christian Clothing - By SM Davis and of course Scripture… I will to try to do what she shared some justice. The Language of Christian Clothing 1. The main clothing of the Christian is not the clothing of the outside but the clothing of the inside   - the main thing is having Jesus living within us in which these things will manifest themselves outwardly through the fruit in our lives: -righteousness ( Job 29:14) - salvation ( Isaiah 61:10) - st...

Vision Forum Give Away

    There is this great giveaway going on right now. She is giving away some resources from Vision Forum- Joyfully Living for His Glory - You have to go check it at!!

1000 gifts

    51-56     glorious morning   For innocence and security- always knowing he is safe even if he is up on the roof with dad.   For youngmen willing to work hard     For Godly Fellowship     For God’s amazing creatures  

His Secret Things…

Deu 29:29 The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God: -Not everything of God do we know - Not everything of God do we understand   but those [things which are] revealed [belong] unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law. There are things that we do know through His Word and understand of God. Those things are our responsibility. Those words/ways are to be taught to our children, children’s children, children’s children’s children FOREVER! so that they will do and keep God’s law and ways. In our human mind we think we know God because He’s like us, right? Wrong- we were made in HIS image, not His in our image and it is only in HIS image are we made, but without Christ and HIS redeeming blood we are NOTHING like God because without Christ we are DARK, Sinful, and Ugly. No darkness is in Him ( 1 John 1:5) Only being redeemed are we washed clean, and Christ in us are we able to see the light beaming through the darkne...

Purging is never easy…

  This week has been one of a spiritual and emotional challenge. God has been purging my heart, and soul- that purging process is not an easy one and it hurts so deep within me not for my sake but for the shame I have placed on myself and my beloved.  The Lord has been gracious, and merciful. He has shown His love to me through my beloved and his gentleness to me. Some days have been even tough to pray, not because I had NO reason to pray but because the pain was so great and I know the Lord could see right to my heart and soul. I had NO words- so in those days I lifted my face to heaven with one song on my heart for my Lord. Complete and one for my beloved! I truly want to sit at your feet my beloved,drink from the cup in your hand,lay back against you and breath, feel your heart beat, This is love is so deep it is more than I can stand. I want to be to you what God intended you to have in a wife! I know she is singing this song to the Lord, but it is such a love...

Sky Watch

      As Dawn Breaks this morning!!