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Showing posts from July, 2009

Who do you put your trust in?

Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the L-RD; Cursed [be] the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD Psa 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, [nor] in the son of man, in whom [there is] no help How many times have you had a major situation in your life and called a friend or mentor up before bringing it before the throne? The L-rd states for us NOT to trust man! Why? Jeremiah 17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it? Because the heart of man is wicked, and deceitful. Only the L-rd knows each of  our hearts and what is in it. Even at times when OUR good intentions are to bless, we still can not know what the  L-rd’s intentions are. Does this mean we are not to go to one another with our burdens? NO- we are to bear each others burdens, in prayer and supplication to the L-rd. Remember dear Saints before calling a friend or mentor with the issues of your heart and l...

5 things about

5 Things About Me 1. I am a photographer  I ran a business in Missouri with my sister and she is still there running it for us. 2. I love to crochet  3. I love to quilt 4.I went to college for computers. 5.  I prefer vanilla over chocolate any day!

Tell me about it Thursday #2

One Day at A Time "An event in your life that changed your life forever" There are so many things that I can think of that has changed my life forever. Things I did, and choices others have made that affected my life but this one still affects me. The event I think I will talk about I am hoping will help or prevent another from making the same mistake I made. Let’s give you some history: I had all my children so very young, starting at the age of 19 years old, 20 years old, 22 years old,24 years old, and 25 years old… boom boom boom-before I knew it I had 5 beautiful children. Being a young mom- I came to Christ at age 21- though I gave my heart to him, I had NO IDEA, how to live my life for Him or how to give my life to Him. So like many young converts I flailed in the waters searching for the narrow path. Un-discipled, unguided, relying on my own understanding( oh boy was that trouble) and falling in all the pitfalls that was placed before me along the way. Aft...

Sharing scriptures….

On Country Mom she is hosting a get to know you with Bible verses.. I thought I would share with all of you the bible verses that speak the most to me.   Psa 19:14-Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Jam 4:14- Whereas ye know not what [shall be] on the morrow. For what [is] your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. Psa 101:3-I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; [it] shall not cleave to me. Isa 49:15-Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Isa 49:16-Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of [my] hands; thy walls [are] continually before me. Isa 55:8-For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Tts 2:13- Looking for that blessed...

Absolutely loving my husband’s creativity

  My beloved has done it again.. the other day I was busy in the kitchen cooking, baking and doing all the wonderful things my family loves. Well one thing I will confess I am a messy chef. In confessing that you can only guess what happens to my poor recipe books.. yes YUCKY. Out of frustration and wanting to save my poor books from my destruction I asked my beloved if he could make me a recipe book holder, and I showed him a picture. And this is what his wonderful hands made. Isn’t it fantastic. I LOVE IT!!! Angie

Blog Hop-Favorite Kid Photos

  My favorite one… I love my Warriors for Christ~ Angie 

The Simple Woman’s Daybook

For Today... I will not let frustrates bring me down. Outside my window... It is cloudy and hot. I am thinking...   how nice it would be to sit in the sun with my feet in the sand. From the learning rooms... I am needing to grade, and prepare lesson plans for tomorrow. I am thankful for... my beloved who conducted home-church and shared how we are to live DILEGENTLY/ carefully for the Kingdom of Christ From the kitchen... we are having home made empanadillas(yummy) I am wearing... a tan skirt with a blue shirt. I am reading... My KJV,and a bible study by Beth Moore. I am hoping... for a productive day where I get all I need to get done. Though it has started out with me being REALLY distracted I am creating... crotched toilet seat cover.. wish I could get it done! NO TIME.. I am praying... baby Stellan. Around the house... I want to get my homemade throw carpet made. One of my favorite things... is when my belo...

1000 gifts the beginning…

2 Samuel 22:50 Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O L_RD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name. 1. For my Messiah- for His willingness to take on my burdens and sin so that I may be able to enter in the presence of the L_rd- to give praise, ask forgiveness, and bring my supplications to Him.   2. For my Beloved, Godly, Compassionate, loving husband   3. For my Warriors for Christ in Training- 4. For the provisions in my life, that God provides through His hand and my hard working husband. 5. For the ability and freedom to grow our own food   6. For a place to lay my head to rest.

Getting to know you with 10 things

I thought it would be fun to get to know each other a little better. You can copy and paste the questions and just delete my answers. 1. *What is your name? Angie 2. *Are you married? single? How Long? Happily Married for 17 years to my Beloved Knight-Samuel. 3. *Do you have any kids? Grand kids? What are their names and ages? Paul- 18 years Old Alexander – 17 years old Sammy- 16 years old Maria- 13 years old Joseph- 12 years Old. Noah- 2 years old No grandchildren. . 4. Two parts to this question= *How long have you been blogging?  Since January of 2007 *What is one of your favorite Blogs? One of my favorites.. ugh that is hard to pinpoint just one… so I am going to plead the 5th Amendment on this one.(haha- hey I do not want to incriminate myself) 5. Do you have any pets? Yes we have a dog 6. Do you prefer living in the country or city? the country- our dream is own and run a farm 7. Do you like hot or cold weather? Cold Weather- when i...

My Big Surprise

Yesterday when my beloved arrived home from work, he had a very big surprise for me which he designed, and cut himself. He actually had someone at work weld it for him. Here is a picture of my surprise Yes he made the pot rack! Isn’t it amazing?? Angie

Friday Fill-Ins we go! #134 1. Trials __ are not the end of the world. 2. Sitting here, listening to the sound of rain falling, __ Makes me sleepy __. 3. ___ Fresh Bread tastes so good! 4. Sometimes, putting others first is ___ Veru hard __. 5. __ The process of Child Birth ___ is breathtaking, really. 6. Well, maybe there is someone wiser than I ___. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __ spending some quality time with my beloved man _, tomorrow my plans include __ cleaning house, writing lesson plans __ and Sunday, I want to spend time in worship, rest, and more time with my beloved _ __! Angie

Tell me About it Thursday-Assignment 1

  Tell me something about your childhood/early years. The best memories I have of my “early years” is the time I spent with my grandmother. She was a very special woman, one who loved the Lord, and her family. She showed me how to do so many things.. like cook, clean, and wash dishes. I remember being to small to reach the sink, so she piled to cinder blocks on top of each so I could reach the sink. To me she meant security, love, and peace. Angie

Words that we should all desire to hear….

    Mat 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, [thou] good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.   As I read these words today in my devotional, my heart grew heavy. What joy these words would bring to me if the day I stand before our Lord Jesus and this is what he says to me.  But why the heaviness in my heart.. well of course these words then made me examine myself, my soul and heart.. Am I worthy of these words? Am I living my life serving Him tot the fullest? Am I the wife he has called me to be? Am I the mother he would want me to be? Am the Servant…. The Evangelist? Lord- I am not worthy only you make me worthy. Lead me Lord, help me to accomplish this goal in my life, which is to hear those words come from Your Son Jesus! I love you- Your Daughter Angie

Getting to know me

1.What is the weather like where you are? sunny and hot 2.Who was your first best friend? Sam 3.Who knows you best? The Lord Jesus, my husband and my children in that order 4.Do you have a temper? Not as much as I use to- Thank you Jesus 5.Have you ever flew in an airplane? Many times.. too many to count 6.Have you ever been on a cruise? Not a luxury one.. I have been on a Naval Cruise Ship(A Carrier) But I know that is not what this question is asking 7.Have you ever rode on a train? Yes- it is wonderful! 8.Where is the fartherest you've been from home? Not sure which is further- Puerto Rico or Hawaii.. 9.Do you plan to move in the next 12 months? Umm only God has the answer to that. He moves us- and we go! 10.What are your parents names? Lummy and Fernando Ythier 11.Do you have brothers/sisters? Yes-One Brother –Commander in the Army-very Proud of Him and Three Sisters- Youngest being 17 years old. 12. Can you swim? yes but I am not a strong swimmer ...

Google Wave

  Anyone who knows me.. knows I am a SERIOUS Techie! This new program that Google is coming out with at the end of this year is going to be the coolest program to DATE! It does email, blogging, and IM all in one program and even update each without ever leaving that program! The Iming program is an instant program.. in other words, in Yahoo, and Live Messenger you see a small message saying.._____ is typing  but in the program.. you see the letters as the person is typing in an email if you both are online at the same time!!! (AMAZ ING) This video gives you a full overview- it is long but so worth the watch!    

I Love Face-allPopart Warhol Portrait Giveaway!!

  Ok you photo-lovers out there.. this is one of those really neat giveaways.. not only do they use one of your own photos- then they create this incredible piece of art. Click the I love faces button to get to their blog. Angie

Blog Hop Favorite Recipe or Dish 7/21/2009

Corn Beef and Corn (sorry I do not have a photo) One of my families favorite meals is Corn Beef Corn with white Rice. Depending on how many people will depend of how many cans of Corn Beef you will need… 1 Can of Corn Beef 1 can of Stewed Tomatoes 1 can of  Corn or a small bag of frozen corn 1 tsp of Garlic 1/2 sliced up onion Sautee all these ingredients in a pot for about 30 minutes. Meantime make your white rice. Once your rice is done- your meal is complete.    

Painful Moment in Life

Dear Saints I have not said anything about our announcement a week ago. I had a post on here sharing that I was expecting. I removed that post, because it was too painful to look at. The life that was in me had stopped growing, I started the miscarrying process on Friday and  miscarried on Monday. This loss, I felt so deep within me I was not sure if I could ever share with all you what happened. The Lord is gracious, merciful and loving, through other Saints who have and are praying, I find strength to type these words to you.  I am not sure why it stopped growing, or what went wrong. All I know is for the short time that I had knowledge of this sweet angel I loved it and wanted it in my arms more than anything. I have learned something so valuable  in this process, that life is a gift, and that a pregnancy does not equal a guaranteed baby. We must always remain hopeful, praying each day for health, protection, and growth, leaving us in a state of ...

I love blogging

Blogging to me is a way to release what the Lord is revealing in my life, what is on my heart or to share the joys and sorrows of life.   I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.   Angie

The Mark of a Contagious Christian

  I have started reading through this book by Dr. Jeremiah. The Mark of a contagious Christian was today’s lesson- Of course I could not resist in sharing about it. Dr. Jeremiah starts off by talking about the conduct of Christians. Being a Christian is not a benign or dead thing, it is suppose to be Contagious! Are you a Contagious Christian? What is a Contagious Christian? 1.Contagious Christians are Energetic. Their energy comes from authentic conversion. “Someone has said the born again movement is a hundred miles wide and an eighth of an inch deep.”-from the book What a profound statement about how we (believers) walk around professing our faith, but not living it out in our lives. Do your co-workers, neighbors, and people you interact with see your faith in your life? You are saved by the Blood of the Lamb- you should be shouting it from the roof tops. Your joy should overwhelm you to a point of bursting. Your energy should come from the Holy Spirit so ...

A Happy Birthday to my Sammy

16 today- Wow how time flies. I remember when you use to walk around and introduce yourself by saying “ Hi, I’m Simmy” You had such a sweet little voice, long blondish curly hair, and a bounce to go with it all. Now look you have grown to a gorgeous young man inside and out. Your desire to please the Lord and your father and I encourages us and helps us to see the Holy Spirit at Work in your life. We love you son- and wish for your Birthday an extra dose of grace, mercy and love from Our Lord Jesus  in your life. We pray for him to guide you in all you do! Love- Mom

MckLinky Blog Hop for July 14, 2009 - 3 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Three things you did not know about “us” 1. Samuel and I served in the Navy He was a Navy Corpsman and I was just a general sailor. (wish I had some photos to share but I don’t.Scanner is not working)     2. My family(Angie) is from the Island of Puerto Rico   3.  Samuel and I were married in 1992- and still going strong I have no photos of that either because my Paul was only 2 at the time and decided he was going to play with the disposable camera we used for our “wedding” photos- and open that back and exposed the film.    

The Hand of God

Anyone who knows me knows that I do not have a green thumb, Only the hand of The Lord Jesus can cause these plants to grow-   Peanuts Boxes lined up behind the house Squash,Egg Plants and cucumbers all in one box- talk about competing for space!   My lone corn stalk!   Corn in a box   I am anticipating the harvest!   Thank you Lord Angie