I thought it would be fun to get to know each other a little better. You can copy and paste the questions and just delete my answers.
1. *What is your name? Angie
2. *Are you married? single? How Long? Happily Married for 17 years to my Beloved Knight-Samuel.
3. *Do you have any kids? Grand kids? What are their names and ages?
Alexander – 17 years old
Sammy- 16 years old
Maria- 13 years old
Joseph- 12 years Old.
Noah- 2 years old
No grandchildren.
4. Two parts to this question= *How long have you been blogging? Since January of 2007
*What is one of your favorite Blogs? One of my favorites.. ugh that is hard to pinpoint just one… so I am going to plead the 5th Amendment on this one.(haha- hey I do not want to incriminate myself)
5. Do you have any pets? Yes we have a dog
6. Do you prefer living in the country or city? the country- our dream is own and run a farm
7. Do you like hot or cold weather? Cold Weather- when it is cold you can do alot to get warm, when it is hot there is little you can do to cool off.
8. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? reading the Word,Spend time reading and writing blogs, , and spending time with my beloved.
9. What is your favorite TV show or shows? WE do not have access to television- no cable or direct tv or Antenna-so I really do not have a favorite tv show.
10. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
I love the beach, but most of all my favorite vacation spot is anywhere my family is!
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