Dears Ones
How do you show people in life you love them? As children you show love by obedience. As " teenagers" by following and submitting to your parents, as adults by living out in your life the things your parents taught you.
As believers in Christ , our Father expects no different. Here out of Jesus' mouth -He shares how our love is to manifest. We are to love Christ in our deeds as well as our words. When we share with others that we are Believers they have an expectation of behavior and also an expectation of how we are to speak. We sin when we go against not only the expectation because we make a mockery of God but also the very fact that we do not live by His Word.
When our actions do not manifest His Word and we live by our flesh justifying the sin with excuses and lies- we sin.
As we are revealed truth we are expected to live by it. We can dismiss, justify, pretend that we are not sinning but some day when you stand before the throne of God you will have no more time for excuses.
If anyone loves me he will keep my word--
Lord I love you and desire to keep your Word in my life, It leaves me in a place where I have no friends, and leaves in a place that those who say they love me turn away-- but my love for you supersedes anything in this world. I know that one day Father you will shine your face upon me with such regard and love - that is what I seek.
I praise you and may your Word manifest from me in Word and deed! To your glory!
In Jesus name
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