I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.(KJV)
Dear Ones
Waiting on the Lord to answer and guide us not always so easy. We allow our flesh, our feelings and even our heart to interfere with what we should be doing. We allow ourselves to be deceived by our emotions. Yes it does deceive because if it convinces that what you are doing is ok, and yet it does against the Word of God then you are being deceived.
Example- if you have convinced that sex out of marriage is ok " because this is the one you "intend" to marry" then you have been deceived because the Word that immorality is sin.
or if you make a decision without praying, consulting your spiritual authorities and asking most of all the Lord and waiting upon him for an answer then you are going against
the Word- because it tells you to seek the Lord first, then counsel. But so many don't even bother praying they just make a decision and when it does not work out turn and blame or question God when you never consulted Him in the first place.
Waiting upon the Lord- seeking HIM will bring you comfort and HOPE!
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven Saints...
Thank you Father that your Word brings comfort and hope in a world where there seems not to be hope. Thank you that I can rely on you to guide me because I am not trust worthy. My heart can deceptive. Lord lead me and I will follow for I am your servant.
In Jesus name- Amen
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