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Showing posts from July, 2014

Just no end ....

Is there no end to the evil of man's heart? Have you heard that Pediphilers wants rights like homosexuals? Claiming that their sexual orientation is being discriminated. Article: Pediphiles want same rights as Homosexuals WHAT?!!!! My heart is outraged, appalled and angry all at the same time. This is such a heinous crime. This is not two consenting adults. This is a minor, innocent, pure, and TRUSTING child who is being taken advantage of,defiled, and ruined by a sick, demented, and evil man. There is no limited to the evil of man's heart without Christ Jesus. Sexual crimes are being looked at as sexual preferences and orientations. Society is minimizing and trying to diminish with words the damage that this crime brings to a children and to people in general. This crime devalues a child. It makes sex a tool and not the gift God has intended. It removes inhibitions that should naturally be there. Trust an issue; there is no filter, they trust to easily,before you know it they ...

Homeschooling Young Adults- Lord Help me....

In the article on the AHEAD blog - Why Older Kids Fight Your Teaching and How to Fix It? I had struggles, my kids fighting my teaching. One never wanted to do his work. Another would do some of it and not the rest.   I am unsure what state she lives in, but in our state a child not meeting the "requirements" and being free to learn what they want is NOT an option. Teenagers are tough- I have graduated 5 children in homeschooling. I have 7 children and have been schooling for more than 10 years and I  have 18 or more to go with my two little ones. By the time I am done I will have schooled for almost 30 years. As tired as we get of schooling, requirements, and work, young adults(teenagers) get the same way. Truth be told, life is work . Things we do to survive, to eat, have a roof over our heads is not an option. We have to do it. It is required or expected if you want to be have a home, and food. Learning is the same way- we are not given an option whether to school or not sc...

Math- the dreaded homeschooling subject part 2

In part 1 of " Math- the dread homeschooling subject " I shared with you a post from t he AHEAD blog where Penny shares the issues  homeschoolers have with Math.  In this next post Penny shares some solutions and some curriculum that she knows about. You will be amazed at the resources we now have for Math. It does not have to be scary for you or dreaded for your student. In schooling my children I have used even youtube to get through math problems in Geometry and Algebra 2. There are many things out there and people who are willing to share their gifts in math to aide you.   Head over to the AHEAD Blog and check what Penny had to say....  

Get Involved....

Homeschooling is being threatened. School systems are feeling the damage of when parents realize their responsibilities . The pressure is on the school system when  parents decide to care for and educate their children. The threat is imminent towards homeschooling families, and we must face that threat head on through being involved, being aware of what bills are being passed, and how they will affect our homes. How can you - a "nobody" make a difference? Did you know that CHAP ( Christian Homeschooling Association of Pennsylvania) stays aware of the changing laws of Pennsylvania? Getting involved with CHAP and volunteering is a way that you can make a difference in the homeschooling community. Secondly, becoming aware through HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) alerts for our state. HSLDA is an advocate and a voice for homeshooling rights and freedoms. Becoming a member for $11.00 a month or a yearly fee of $120.00 aides in the fight for our rights as homeschoolers....

Math the dreaded homeschool subject

Math is a subject that many parents get intimidated by when they consider homeshooling their children. Too many times we convince ourselves of what we can not do so we can exempt ourselves for doing what God has called us to do. (teach our children) On AHEAD blog partner blogger Pam addresses the problem with math in a two part series. Part 1 she discuss what the problem is..... What is the problem with MATH? Homeschooling Moms we all need a boost and a reminder and sometimes even direction... Go read!

Things repeat no matter how hard you try

Have you ever tried so hard to not allow patterns or even curses ,as the bible calls them,to continue to repeat. Have you made vows? Have you shared with your children so that they will not walk in the same path you did? Truly I guess unless the person vows within themselves to not repeat those patterns you will see them manifest. No matter what wisdom you bestow or guidance you try to give them, if they do not take those words and embed them in their hearts as truth. If they do not walk a walk contrary, then the Words are in vain. Are we exempt from sharing No! Does it hurt to watch, YES. There is nothing like feeling like a failure. There is nothing like knowing all those tears end in the same manifestation. The same "mistakes", the same divisions, the same results in your own family. Those patterns that damage, that hurt and continue to hurt, only Christ Jesus can completely heal and change. Lean on the Cross of Christ- only He can heal and bring you peace inspite of the ...


I love the beach and everything that go with it. The sun, sand and water... I love to just sit there and watch the children play and build sand castles. We decided to get away as a family and it was a much needed vacation though it was not long enough.

Leave the homeschooling to homeschoolers

One of the things about moving to PA that has been a struggle for me is the homeschooling laws. Not necessarily the actual process of schooling because I have not changed that but the laws here are very very scary and burdensome. Moving from states where schooling my children was my choice, and I was responsible for everything. I did not have to submit anything ,which by the way, It did not keep me from keeping a record and filing everything in case a social worker showed up at my door someday with questions. I made sure everything was always in order. The nightmare of PA law not only places unnecessary requirements on you but the administrations is in no way helpful in the process. As a matter of fact if you call and tell them you are a homeschooler in their school district and you would like to know where to bring your portfolios the people answering the phones have no idea what you are talking about or who you are to talk to. This year was my second year in submitting a portfolio....

building on what your kids already know...

Homeschooling is a way of life, a journey like our one with Christ. Not only are we  building a foundation in the Word bombarding them with truth but we are also helping them to love learning. Not ramming a bunch of information in them so they will pass state tests but giving them a foundation to  build their lives on.   On the AHEAD blog Susan shares a method on taking basic information and slowly implementing more interest in your child toward that information. Practical real life situations, and learning... what more can you ask for... go check it out.      

Walking with Christ

  The walk of a lifetime is walking with Christ. It is a daily process . Lately, that walk has been a challenge, with each step forward I feel I take two giant steps back. I have come to realize so many people have this mindset or even this expectation for those who "walk with God". They think or believe that if you walk with God you are 1. judgemental- In NO way,do we judge people but we are called to call sin ,sin. We are not called to ignore it or pretend it does not exist or not there. Question: If a man is married and he is seeing other women ,behind his wife's back what is that called? Adultery ,right? NO one can say that action is right or pretend it is right,but so many try to down size it by making excuses. "His wife is a pain, she is not very nice or she is controlling. " Yet the truth comes down to this, it is Adultery in the eyes of God and man. What law do you live by? if you don't live by the guidelines and the law of God then you live by the ...