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Get Involved....

Homeschooling is being threatened. School systems are feeling the damage of when parents realize their responsibilities . The pressure is on the school system when  parents decide to care for and educate their children. The threat is imminent towards homeschooling families, and we must face that threat head on through being involved, being aware of what bills are being passed, and how they will affect our homes.

How can you - a "nobody" make a difference?
Did you know that CHAP ( Christian Homeschooling Association of Pennsylvania) stays aware of the changing laws of Pennsylvania? Getting involved with CHAP and volunteering is a way that you can make a difference in the homeschooling community.

Secondly, becoming aware through HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) alerts for our state. HSLDA is an advocate and a voice for homeshooling rights and freedoms. Becoming a member for $11.00 a month or a yearly fee of $120.00 aides in the fight for our rights as homeschoolers.

Did you know that homeschoolers are one of the most discriminated groups in the USA today? Businesses and other people do not see us as "truly" educating our children because we are not doing it the way "the system" mandates.

Statistics show that homeschoolers score higher in every subject on any tests. Document on Statistics  for Homeschooling

Many students leave public school without the capability of reading or writing. It has been shown and proven over and over that the educational system of America is on a downward spiral. It is not educating; it is programming children. The teachers teach the children what they want them to know, not what they need to know, or what they should know. Many people who agree that the system is breaking down, a number turn to private schools. They think it is a better alternative, but the government mandates them as well. Who do you think tells them the criteria of what they are to teach and when?

My point about all this is to share with you the importance of our involvement and support towards those who are fighting for our rights. Be aware of what is happening! Open your eyes because the changes may not affect you in the here and now, but it will affect our children and their future ability to home school our grandchildren. Support your local homeschool legislative groups. In Pennsylvania, it is

CHAP Legislative

Let's get involved.

Your Servant,


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