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Showing posts from August, 2009

Friend Making Monday

If you are interested in participating, just copy the the 20 Questions, replace my answers with your own, and then link back to Amber's original post, over at her blog . 1. Do you cook every night? Almost every night. There are nights that my sweet princess cooks, which gives Mom a break' 2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why? Surf or gain because I love their smell. 3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time? Everyday – yes- each child is assigned a day and mine gets done on the weekend 4. How often do you eat out per week? none 5. Where do you usually eat out? if we get the treat to eat out- we like Red Lobster, or Chic Fila 6. What is your favorite retail store? I dont have one.. 7. What's your favorite thing to drink?Milk 8. Do you take vitamins?yes prenatal 9. What percentage of the household chores do you do? hmmmm...about 10%- the rest is divided among the 5 children 10. Do your c...

1000 gifts of thanks 26-30

  Blessings in Disguise By Pauline Ressler Today I want to thank you, Lord, For blessings in disguise- That piercing thorn upon my path, The dark and cloudy skies, that disappointment sent to me, The sadness and the pain, The tears that flowed when in distress, the loss instead of gain!   Today I see the blessing rare When skies were dark and gray, You were so very near to me; I took more time to pray. I realized my helplessness and your sufficiency; I understood that I must learn More closely unto Thee!   I’ll praise You, Lord, for cares of life, For burdens thick and sore; For when You led through dreary ways, I learned to love You more! I know not what the future holds, What trials may unfold; If I be tried in furnace fire, Let me come forth as gold!     26. For quiet days 27. For the Presence of the Holy Spirit 28. For the accountability of brothers and sisters in Christ 29. For NEW life… ...

Good Morning

Good Monday Morning to you all. I can not say I was up with the sun, but I did get up with my beloved. He was late getting up after a long hard weekend of work as a soccer referee. I spent some time reading the Word and a devotional by Beth Moore. The devotional was on how we see our walk as Christians. So  many see their walk(me including at one time) as a list of things we are not allowed to do as believers. (thou shall not steal, no lying, no, no, no) Instead of seeing it as being set free.  Set free to live a life to enjoy with Christ.   “ Think about this with me: only ONE tree in the entire Garden was forbidden to Adam and Eve. Instead of surveying everything God had given her and marveling, ALL OF THIS! the serpent seduced Eve into thinking, Perhaps I’d rather trade all this in for the one thing God told me to avoid. He could be holding out on me .” (When Godly People do Ungodly things by Beth Moore)   Eph 1:3 Blessed [be] the God and Fa...

Home School Grade Book

Ok homeschooling moms- here it is- a grade-book just for homeschoolers.   There are tons of grade-books out there but NOT ONE that is like this one- This is made custom for you and your family. How is it different from other grade books?   First and for most- I found that most grade-books will not let you list different assignments or lesson for each child. This one will.   On each page is 4 weeks of lessons   It averages the grades after every two weeks. On the bottom of each page is a notes section where you can list your abbreviations or whatever else you want to put there. On the back of the book is Notes- where you can list your resources. This book was created by Me and my sister if you interested in purchasing one, shoot me an email!   Blessings to you! Angie

The meaning of the Cross

2 Corinthians 5:21 This morning I listened to Paul Washer.  His sermon called “The Cross of Christ” This sermon spoke so deeply to the lack of understanding of the Cross and the sacrifice that Christ gave for each of us. We will never fully grasp the greatness of the Cross. Could you raise your face towards heaven and say “ I have loved you as you deserved to be loved, L-rd”? There has never been a moment in Christ life that his love for the L-rd did not shine through. There is never a moment in our lives we can say that we have loved the L-rd as Christ has!!! Christ was treated ,before the throne, as the sinner should be treated. He became a cursed for us. What does it mean to be a cursed for  man? A cursed means that a man is so vile, and depraved that the last thing he hears before going into hell is everything Holy applauding and rejoicing.   The only reason you are blessed is because he was cursed. Every good and perfect blessing you have is the...

Our Lovely Blog Award

    I received a Blog award! Yippee- I rarely gets these. I appreciate Karen from On Having Faith for being such a sweet bloggy friend and giving me this award There are some rules that come with receiving this award : One Lovely Blog Award . Claim your award Post it on your blog along with the name of the person who gave it to you. Linking it to that person's blog. Pass this award to 15 newly discovered blogs that you find. Now don't forget to contact the recipients.   1.Renee @ A Baker’s Dozen 2.Angie @ By Faith…Ang Baylis 3. Mandy @ Mandy Mom 4.Audrey @ Country Mom 5.Tasha @ He’s everything to Me 6.Pam @ Life as Pam 7.Sandra @ Love Abounds at Home 8.Sandy @ One Day at A Time 9. Jean @ Jean Stockdale 10.Angela@ Angela’s Blog 11.Traci @ Beneath My Heart 12.Melissa @ Counting My Blessings 4 13.McAngie@ Eight is Enough 14. Kat @ Heart2Heart 15.Deidra @ Jumping Tandem   Thank you ladies for being great fo...

My very own Button

  I can not believe I did it.. all by self.. well not completely 100% by myself. Thanks for the help of some very informative sites I was able to create the button all by my lonesome… Tell me what do you think??   My next task will be to create my own html page for blogger!!!   Angie

Friday Fillin #139 we go! 1. He was a ____ corpsman in the Navy when I met him _ . 2. ______ The cooler weather and fall leaves _____ is what I look forward to most this time of year. 3. My best friend _____ is my beloved husband, who is willing to put up with every mood I have ______. 4. ___ I can be really grouchy ________ to be honest with you. 5. Appearances can be __ deceiving _________. 6. The last person I gave a hug to was _____ my beloved-husband(my favorite person to hug) ______. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some time of fellowship with Pastor Victor and his family _____ , tomorrow my plans include ___ clean the house and grading __ and Sunday, I want to _praise our Lord Jesus ____ !

Tell me about it Thursday-late

  I've been experiencing some serious technical difficulties. I have my computer completely back to normal now- I am sorry that I am late posting this- but I had to do it. It is one of my favorites to do during the week. So here I go:   "Share something (anything) about your family" My family- I truly am a blessed woman. My family loves the Lord with all of their hearts. They are a warm, inviting crew.  They attract people like flies to honey. People love to be around them because of their fun-loving ways.  Together each of them bring a special and important gift to us all. Paul is the friendly one, the one that gets people talking. Alexander is our comedian, though quiet, when warmed up- he will have you busting a gut. Samuel is our sweet, tender young-man who feels the pain of others and as he grows becomes more and more compassionate and closer to the heart of Christ. Maria is our hard one- who keeps all of us on that narrow path. She lov...

Blog Hop-Time to Laugh

Being silly wearing their hats backwards.. including my beloved.     Truly contagious laugh!   See my example here: ...STOP Most recent winners: Fairy Blog Mother | All winners New to the Blog Hop? Find out how to join the fun here...

1000 gifts of thanks (21-25)

I thought I would start off my thankfulness with a poem by Pauline Ressler. Thanksgiving I’m thankful for my family, for my home,for food, for friends, And all the many blessings which For the refreshing summer rain, For flowers, trees, for birds and bees, And for the sun’s warm glow.   I’m thankful for the fellowship Of Christian staunch and true, United in one brotherhood, The Church’s work to do. I’m thankful for the Holy Word, And for the Holy Spirit near To lead me day by day.   I’m thankful for God’s greatest gift- That Christ has died for me; Oh, how I need His grace divine, His love and mercy free! I know He’s interceding now; He pleads at God’s right hand That I may safely reach my home In yonder glory land!   21. for peaceful times with in my home 22. for provisions only given by God 23. for the encouragement that only comes from the body of Christ 24.  for capturing memories 25. for a beloved...

Take Time

By Pauline Ressler Take time to teach your little ones; Be faithful day and night. Take time to mold their tender lives and show them what is right. Tell them of Jesus and His Word As they are clothed and fed, And pray a humble, earnest prayer As they are tucked in bed. Then when they’re grown and yield their lived in service to their L-rd, Bow low in humble gratitude for such a rich reward! This poem touched my heart so tremendously this morning on how important it is for us to teach our little ones. Imbed the Word in the hearts dear Saints so their foundation is made of stone and not sand. Angie

Friday Fill Ins

  1. I remember, I remember ____ I need to call North Belt and find out more about family camp! 2. Dear Beloved I want you to know ___ that you are a blessings to me from heaven, my knight and shining armor and I am truly  grateful for all you do for us 3. Is that my ____ baby that is turning 19 years old in October_ ______!!??? 4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of complaining about living here in Texas ______. 5. I'm saving a cup of coffee ______ just for you! 6. If I made a birthday list ____ new camera lens and waterproof case would be there! 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting the house clean and preparing for the school week __,tomorrow my plans include __ cleaning, and sewing__ and I will spend time in the word and pray of my beloved and the boys because they have to work __!

"Tell about it Thursday"

"Tell about a special grandparent" My grandmother Acosta- my mother’s mother was so very special to me. When I was little she use to live a few doors down from us. Mom tells me stories of putting on my coat and sending me down(at 2-3 years old) to grandma’s. Grandma would be standing at the door waiting for me with a warm bottle of milk, coffee with lots of sugar. (I still drink my coffee this way) I spent most of my summers growing up with grandma. Mom would fly me to Puerto Rico. I remember all the things we use to do. She was always cooking. I also remember her teaching me how to wash dishes. I was too small to reach the sink so she would bring in cinder blocks so I could reach. Abuela- Grandmother in spanish- was a God-fearing woman who loved the Lord with all of heart. I remember walking to her church, every Sunday morning,evening, and Wednesday. She listened to Billy Graham on her radio every morning and evening, read her bible and was on her knees, Praying for...

As promised here are more photos…

  These photos were taken by A M Photography… Our family had never had professional shots taken so we thought since we were all going to be together for the first time in years it would be great to take photos of the families and all the children. Of course there was one person missing in the photographs.. my dad.   He had to work.

THSC Conference…

  Here are photos from our time at the Homeschooling conference before we left on vacation. We had the Williams family and the Henderson family staying with us. It was so much fun and lively to be together. Both these women are so very important to me and I was so happy to have them finally meet. We also celebrated Mrs. Williams 38th birthday . It took two pies to fit all the candles   It was fun!! We got to hear Voddie Bauchman and if you have not heard any of his sermons you are TRULY missing out. We all left the conference inspired and encourage and ready to start our new schooling year!! and EXHAUSTED.. The Conference ended Saturday the 7th of August and early Sunday the 8th we went to MO… so more photos to come!

1000 gifts 13-20

13. For family- spending time and enjoying each other’s company…   14. For the Lord’s guiding hand as we traveled…   15. For the Creator’s beautiful Creation….   16. For ways to cool your feet from the hot summer sun   17. For my mother- who showed me strength beyond belief…   18. For the Love of friends…   19.first haircuts       20. For the Narrow Road… May I stay on it!

Thank you Pam for the Friends AWARD

    Thank you Pam for this award…This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to six bloggers who must choose six more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

Blog Anniversary at One Day at a time

  It is Sandy’s 2 year Blog anniversary- at One day at a time Like any great blogger she is celebrating with a give away!! So go over, wish Sandy a happy  Bloggy Anniversary- and don’t forget to enter the contest! Angie  

1000 gifts... (7-12)

    7. The freedom to worship Him…   8. The Freedom to home-school   9. For a home   10. For the Love of Family     11. For a vehicle   12.  Moderns technologies like computer, washer, dryer, dishwasher, even electric stove.

He had faith in him…

Read: Job 1 Here is Job living life, loving the L-rd, sacrificing for any sin that might be happening, basically minding his own business. The L-rd is proud of Job, his love and loyalty like any parent would be. Satan, of course, sneers and growls at this pride and thinks this is just a man that can fall like any other, but you won’t let me near him. So the L-rd grants satan passage, with one condition, you can not kill him or harm him. Have you ever wondered why the L-rd granted satan passage to spiritually, mentally, and physically challenge Job? We are all sinful creatures that when the going gets tough- we crack. I know there has been times in my life where I have questioned, cried, threw a fit and even got angry at our Heavenly Father.   “Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,” Job 1:20 In his most desperate and painful moment- HE WORSHIPPED!!! The L-rd had faith in Job and new his heart so comp...

HE’s a big boy now…

Noah is getting bigger and bigger. Here he is standing on his new step stool that his handy, crafty daddy made for him. Isn’t this just the neatest thing??! My beloved is truly gifted.   Update on the home front: In  trying to consistently embed the word in our lives  and our children’s lives we have come up with a new plan for family devotions. PLEASE PLEASE lift this in prayer for our family to stay faithful and diligent. That said-here is our plan: Memory verse Monday - will be focusing on memorizing and helping each other memorize the verse or verses of the week. Topic Tuesday - will be focusing on a certain topic or word to study, dissect and learn. Witness Wednesday - we will learn about witness of the past and how we can follow in their footsteps. Eventually we are hoping this will be day we go witnessing as a family. Thankful Thursday - is the day we share one thing we are most thankful for. Faith Fighting Friday - this is the day we will ...