If you are interested in participating, just copy the the 20 Questions, replace my answers with your own, and then link back to Amber's original post, over at her
1. Do you cook every night? Almost every night. There are nights that my sweet princess cooks, which gives Mom a break'
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why? Surf or gain because I love their smell.
3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time? Everyday – yes- each child is assigned a day and mine gets done on the weekend
4. How often do you eat out per week? none
5. Where do you usually eat out? if we get the treat to eat out- we like Red Lobster, or Chic Fila6. What is your favorite retail store? I dont have one..
7. What's your favorite thing to drink?Milk
8. Do you take vitamins?yes prenatal
9. What percentage of the household chores do you do? hmmmm...about 10%- the rest is divided among the 5 children
10. Do your children do chores? Everyone rotates kitchen and dish duty, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning glass, boys clean their own bathroom, and princess cleans her own.
11. Do you go to church? Yes!
12. Do you have a housework schedule? Yes
13. Do you keep a working budget? Yes-my beloved takes care of it
14. What do you do at night as a family? We do family devotions- during the week we do not turn on the TV
16. What do your mornings look like? I wake up- and slowly make my way to the rest room, then I sit trying to wake up. after about 30 minutes I am ready for a cup of coffee.
18. What time do you go to bed at night? around 10pm
20. How do you keep your household organized? There is not alot to keep organized. The few things I have to remember I put it on my phone , so an alarm will remind me of what needs to be done.
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