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Showing posts from July, 2013

Joyous Occasion

Yesterday we got to experience an event we have anticipated for a long time. My son Joseph was water baptized. This moment was a long time coming. I allow his testimony to speak for itself. Love In Christ Angie

" I told you so"...

Words that echo in my mind and heart.  We have believing family members, ones who say they love Christ , but live in a typical "evangelical" way. Meaning their lives do not show the fruit of Christ it should show. Materialism, and keeping up with the standards of society is more important than being different and living out the Word. As we(my husband and I ) brought our children up we fought against being just like everyone else in Christianity. We desired to be different, to bring our children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We desired the way of the Lord- trying to help our Children understand the true sacrifice of the Cross and that we are not to make a mockery of that sacrifice through continuing in sin. Romans 6 1.What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? 3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 T...

Defeat vs Victory

Living in sin or endless cycles of sin, never seeing the sin for what it is.. Defeat- Why do we do it? Why do we relinquish ourselves to the flesh, never seeing it coming?  Are we really so blind to think that satisfying our flesh in anyway is NOT SIN??? Its like a swirling tornado in our lives, destroying everything in its path. I  know why in the WORD The Lord put story after story of the Israelites inability to resist their flesh. Their were two reason why they seemed always to submit to their sin.  1. They did not believe GOD.  2. Their desire for self over rode their love for Their Lord.  All seasons of SIN is rooted in unbelief. Think about that- every time the Israelites committed sin it was rooted in the fact that they did not believe The Lord was going to fulfill His promise to them. Wondering around the wilderness for their unbelief and NO MATTER what The Lord did - they still complained and they still rebelled because they did not believe. They wanted...

Leaving Home..

This questions remains in the back of my mind...  Where is it within the Word-the adaptation that has occurred in Church Society that when a young person becomes 18 years of age- that they are to go out and "spread their wings" and live on their own?  The bible is so clear on so many facts- sin, purity, marriage, men,women, children, relationships with one another and the foundation of the church, but the bible has nothing to say about this matter. I beg to differ. I believe the bible is clear its just that parenting a young adult is so difficult that it has become easier for parents to say "do what you want" and to turn a blinds eyes to their sin than to live out what the Word has. Let's begin with this very simple verse: This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 HCSB) Everyone knows this verse- this is the verse for marriage the one that tells us exactly what is to be done when a man marrie...

Betrayal,deception and realization

There is never a dull moment within our home.One of the things we knew and realized when Sam stepped out to become a leader and elder of our church that attacks would come, deception and temptation for us to ruin our testimony for Christ, would come. And that is exactly what happened. He used one of my children as his tool to do exactly that,in that deception was also the ultimate betrayal.  Truly betrayed with a kiss- A parents, as well as leaders within our church, we have every right to share concerns, things we see, to guide and counsel our children to righteousness. We have the right to help them see and not be deceived or lead by their flesh, but that very counsel was used against us. Also used as a door for him to walk away and do things his way, so that he could be removed from our accountability. The pain of that betrayal, deception is so raw in my heart. I was driving yesterday in tears, crying out to my Lord and I came to this realization,if my pain is so raw and real ov...