Ladies Have you ever wondered why when the Lord gives you spiritual discernment or insight on a situation, why your beloved husband will not listen? Or he seems not to listen or to hear your words? Today while I was sharing with a dear sister on the phone about my experiences with my beloved husband in the past I came to this revelation- this ah-ha moment. I realized when the words came out of my mouth that Lord was speaking a truth to me. Through the years of being married I always wondered Lord- why give me this insight? This ability to hear you so clearly for my husband to not listen or heed the words you are sharing with me?? Why doesn't he listen? Why doesn't he see this gift you have given me as ,just that, A gift for His benefit? Instead, as soon as, I start to speak if my words do not agree with his or my words seem to guide him away from what he has in mind it is like a glaze goes over his eyes and you know HE IS NOT LISTENING. Can you feel me girls??? I...