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Showing posts from August, 2013


Ladies Have you ever wondered why when the Lord gives you spiritual discernment or insight on a situation, why your beloved husband will not listen? Or he seems not to listen or to hear your words? Today while I was sharing with a dear sister on the phone about my experiences with my beloved husband in the past I came to this revelation-  this ah-ha moment.  I realized when the words came out of my mouth that Lord was speaking a truth to me. Through the years of being married I always wondered Lord- why give me this insight? This ability to hear you so clearly for  my husband to not listen or heed the words you are sharing with me?? Why doesn't he listen? Why doesn't he see this gift you have given me as  ,just that, A gift for His benefit? Instead, as soon as, I start to speak if my words do not agree with his or my words seem to guide him away from what he has in mind it is like a glaze goes over his eyes and you know HE IS NOT LISTENING. Can you feel me girls??? I...

First week done... and on week number 2!

Our First Week of School is done... this my pretty girl Some pictures to memorialize the occasion  My handsome Joey  Noah  BEST FRIENDS and brother and sister- best combination!!! My 4 youngest... I love these kids! I love these wonderful children. Thank you for the gift they are and for their love for Christ. Angie

First day of school

The schooling year has begun. I truly can not believe when I look upon Maria and Joseph that we have been doing this for such a long time and that this is our last year. It makes me so sad to think about. To think that we have done this journey together. Hand in hand- unlike so many who miss this part of their children's lives. This was a journey I walked them thru and saw them grow. They are both so very smart and so have so much to offer in life and to this world for Christ.  Noah is in 1st grade now the path for him has just begun. I am excited to see how The Lord will use this time in his life and we walk forward together.  Pray for me as I guide these young hearts to the Cross.  Solo para la Gloria de DIos Angie

Standing Alone...

Noah stood alone for 120 years preaching to hardened, people whose lust of their flesh and their own understanding became more important than the WORD OF GOD.. Lately, we have had to make a stance of the convictions, and biblical principle of purity. One where the hearts of some of my children have not adopted, and actually turn their backs on. " Thus, purity is not just a matter of abstaining. It is a matter of the heart, of motives, and, ultimately, love for God. If we really love God, we will make every effort to be pure in his sight. Thankfully, when we do fall short of His desires for our lives, we can be confident in what Christ already accomplished through his death and resurrection. With all that said, here are 10 Bible verses about purity, some of these verse are a matter of purity of the Heart from any sin. Psalm 24:3-5 (#1 of 10 Bible Verses about Purity)   3  Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?  4  Those who have cl...

Which one are you?

 As I think about situations that I  have come into as Sam and I serve within the body of Christ, I realize that many people are one person or another. Either they  understand the heart of Christ and understand who they are to be in love in the body unconditionally or a Pharisees continuously judging one another, rebuking in self righteousness, and even back biting one another.   We are to show a lot of grace and encouragement at all times.  We are to encourage one another with our words even in times of strife, even in times of difficulty. Our words are always to be season with salt. We're always to be the loving example of who Christ is and what he had done on the cross for us. Always sacrificing ourselves, our preferences, our personal wants and desires for another.  In the book of acts when the church first gathered the people gave up all their own belongings. They sold their goods for the good of the body to strengthen each other and to sharpen each ot...


Life is zooming past so fast- sometimes I feel like I barely can take a breath and things are happening, changing, moving without me moving. Summer is in its last MONTH- wow. Maria and Joey start their senior year in just a matter of days... SENIORS. I am in awe and at the same time it makes me so sad. These two -my dynamic duo- are truly part of my heart and life line. I try to imagine what it would be like them grown, gone doing there thing and it hurts way too much to think about but I know it is going to happen. I just hope they choose the right way to leave our home. (the other way hurts way more) Noah lost a tooth this week- it is second one or third I believe, but this is significant because it is one of his top teeth. Soon the two front ones will go.... I love this stage of life. Ellie is growing and talking like crazy. She says new words and new names each day. It is truly so precious. When she accomplishes saying someones name in her sweet sweet voice she is so proud and happ...