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If you don’t know the background of this story- you should take the time to read it. Paraphrased the Pharisees again sought to catch Jesus. This time by bringing a woman who was committing adultery. In there culture that was punishable by stoning. They kept accusing her before Jesus, asking what should they do with her and to her. This is His response to their questions. HE who has no sin. That’s right those who are sinless, those who have never done anything wrong in their lives, they can throw the first stone. How does this relate to us? NO we do not stone people for adultery or even sin. But the principle remains - anyone WITHOUT any sin in their lives has the right to say things, and has the right to stand judgement. The truth be told NONE are clear, not one person can stand and past judgement or stones at anyone NO matter the sin. If you feel righteous, or you feel some kind of indignation stating it is coming from Christ. You are wrong. It is your pride. Christ laid his life on the Cross for sin and for sinners. He loved the unlovable. He did not turn his back on you or me, so tell me ,dear one, how can you righteously turn your back on someone you deemed has sinned. (Notice I said “ you deemed”) Let me give you warning Grace and forgiveness is something that has been given freely to us through Christ Jesus. BE very careful when you decided not to show grace and forgiveness to others. Remember these gifts are not ours to hold back! #dailyscriptureandthoughts #instablog

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The hardest part about our faith in Christ is actually living it out. Yes living like Christ, being Christ like is what we are to be like but many struggle with double mindedness, they struggle with having one foot in the world and one foot in the world of Christianity. Their lives do not reflect the righteousness, goodness or even the hope we find in Christ Jesus. Our lives should make people wonder, it should make people desire the goodness of Jesus. So be ready - by living for Him first! #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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We are so naive to think that we choose God first but the reality is He has loved us first from the beginning. He knows all and copses to love us anyway! Choose Him! #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones, it has been a while. Time sure flies and there never seems to be enough time in a day to do all the things you desire to do. Looks like I might have a bit more time on my hands this summer. So here I am.. Sharing the message of God with you... We are in 1 John chapter 3- John was encouraging his believing brothers and sisters in this verse that we are to manifest love for each other as brothers and sisters, most of all as children of God. I hate to use the example of earthly brothers and sisters because there are many blood related brothers and sisters who hate each other and do not show love to each other at all. So lets just say as children of God, we are to love each other. Too often in churches what we see is people who declare their love for you, but when you need them, they are NO WHERE to be found. Truly loving someone is not loving them just in words, but when it matters most. Through my life this has been a great experience.. People "say we really love you" but their actions speak otherwise. Isn't it sad.. That we use this word "love" so flippantly. Loving someone isn't a feeling you feel, love is an action. IT is something you do. To truly love someone is to show you care when it isn't convenient! Let us love each other as the Word encourages us to. Thank you for journeying with me. -Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Friends, I have not forgotten about you. Life is in full overdrive. I hope to be back to submitting devotionals next week. In the meantime we are preparing to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior before that day we must soberly approach the day that is called "good Friday." It is the day we acknowledge as the day that the Lord Jesus was crucified for our sins. Dear ones- there is one who suffered so greatly for you. One who died so that you could be free of sin. The great intercessor, and Savior Jesus Christ. So many forsake Him, turn from His call in their lives. Let us take the time to truly reflect on what happened on that day. Let us approach Friday with mourning, and thanksgiving at the same time. For on Sunday, we celebrate the greatest gift given to us- and that is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus! He did this for you and me Brother and Sisters! - Thank you for journey with me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Which ground are you? Do you hear the Word and it never takes root? Or are you rocky ground where it's root is not deep? Or are you the ground with thorns, where money, possessions, and worldly pursuits cause the Word to be choked out of your life? Dear Ones, What we should be is the last that Jesus mentions, good soil.. where the Word embeds in our hearts, flourish and grows and produces fruit in our lives. The fruit should make us seem strange to those who met us, people should desire to be with us, but hate it at the same time because of conviction. The Lord should radiate from us that people can no longer see us but only see Christ. So which are you? If you are truly transparent and honest- you would not say the last because in our flesh and sinful nature we each are all three. God forgive us. Let us glorify Christ and rejoice in the grace He bestows in our lives. Thank you for journeying with me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones, As we take the time to examine scripture, Jesus shows us in his words that it is an investment. It takes time. We must toil dig, cultivate, plant and then the harvest comes. According to the Holman study Bible-the Old and New points to the old knowledge that comes from the Old Testament and the New is the teachings (for the disciples) of Jesus. For us today it is the same we are so blessed to have the entire bible to learn and store within us. For the most part we take advantage of the fact that we have the freedom to have so much knowledge at our fingertips. Let us seek to grow and store this knowledge for GOD's glory. Thank for journey with me.- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones, Yesterday in my reading these scriptures stood out to me. I started thinking about Joseph's willingness to take on this great responsibility. His obedience, without complete understanding. Imagine the confusion he felt when he found out the woman he was betrothed to was pregnant. Betrayal, hurt, maybe even anger had to consume him, but even in that he desired no harm to come to her. (Let's remember the cultural background- she would have been killed for betraying her covenant with her future husband) He was going to quietly "divorce her" and just leave it and that, but an angel of the Lord came to him and told him what Mary probably was trying to explain all along. He told him to marry her, and to name the baby Jesus (because it was the husband that named the baby) I wonder in all this how Mary felt. She was betrothed to this man, so she didn't actually pick him, her father did. So she probably didn't love him. I wonder after watching his willingness, his obedience to God, his consideration, and thoughtfulness because he waited till she wasn't pregnant to be intimate with her that her heart grew and her love for him was sparked. What amazing thing to see the willingness and obedience of Jesus earthly parents. Just some thoughts and things to make you think more of how truly wonderful God's plan is. Thank you for journeying with me. - Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones because at this time I am taking a class that is requiring me to read a lot of Chapters of the Word of God. All 27 books of the New Testament in 8 weeks. It doesn't sound like a lot but when you add that with two required books for the same course, writing papers, discussion board posts and replies, tests each week, and any other required item. So I am pushing pause on Romans and going to share random thoughts, and insights from what I am reading now :) thank you for journeying with me! - Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones- I first want to apologize for all the typos in my last post. I tried a new program that did not work real well. (And I did not read over my work) Please forgive me... Ok We have finally reached the end of Chapter 2- Paul is still trying to make his point in these last verses to the Jewish people. "Circumcision was a sign and seal of a covenant that God made with Israel (Ex 12:44-49) The rite went back to Abraham and the covenant God made with him (Gn 17:9-14). Circumcision became a badge of Jewish identity and, it was thought, a guarantee of salvation. Some later rabbis even taught that Abraham sat at the entrance to Gehenna (“hell”) and would not permit any uncircumcised Jew to enter there. By implication, the way you lived made no difference." (taken from the Holman Christian Standard Study Bible) Let us reflect on how we are no different in our hearts than Jewish people. We walk around declaring our salvation in Christ, but yet our actions speak differently. We are impatient with the waitress or waiter, we curse the driver that cuts us off, we do not love our neighbors, and we show no kindness, grace or mercy to those who we do not know or care about. These are not a reflection of one who is following after Christ. Dear Ones, we have a responsibility to walk in the ways of Christ. We are expected to live out in action the Word of God to those who are lost, hurting and need to see the light in this world of darkness. Let us live in this calling. Let us glorify God in word and deed. Thank you for journeying with me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones. Paul continues to address his Jewish brothers. After Guesting their hearts um verses 21-23 he concludes with a reminder that their actions Defames the name of GOD and that their actions affect how others see Gob. Oh how this message rings true for us to day. How many timeshave you heard people say they won't go to church because it is full of hypocrites. (as if the only place you find hypocritesis church-but that is another message) or that they won't go to church because of the people. DearOnes, though these words are truefor the person saying it. It should not be this way! What the people of the church forget is we are to be reaching the hurting and lost. We are Not a social club that gathers once a week. We are servants And messengers, sent to be the hands, feet, mouth and heart of Christ. Let us not forget that! Thank you for journey with me.- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones Paul is still addressing his Jewish brothers. Remember, they knew the law, so thought highly of themselves. We examine these scriptures, let us ask ourselves these same questions. Dear Ones, do we teach others, but not live out what we teach? Do you steal and tell others not to? Do you look upon a woman with lust and yet tell a friend not to commit adultery? In so many ways we have the do as I say not as I do "mentality. That is not really how it works. People are watching. Children mimic, people follow Trends in every area of life. There are people who say," I do my own thing, but honestly, they follow something, they mimic someone. We all must watch ourselves, especially those in leadership. Before submitting to a body or it's leadership, exam that leadership. Be sure that their private life matches with their church face. The sad case is that people are living double lives. And what you find is the "do as I say NOT as I do" heart. None of us Exempt, we are all subject to this, so let us exam our hearts. Let our actions and hearts bring Glory to God. Thank you for journeying With me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones As we continue on in our study of Romans we see here that Paul again addresses the Jewish people. Here he reminds them that they are to boast in God. As Christians, followers of Christ, what do we boast in? Ourselves, our own righteousness? When we desire the things of God, and God's will, it is no easy task. " In these verses Paul engages in "if" clauses spelling out the benefits and privileges that the Jews possess through the Covenant. Each of these items is a cause for pride on the part of the Jewish people." (Excerpt from Encountering the book of Romans) In so many ways we see the same dilemma in our Christian churches. Those who believe that they are the "chosen generation", above everyone else, or even above every other church. Calling themselves the Remnant. Dear Ones, God calls all to repent and follow after Him. No one can understand or know the heart of another, yet in high mindedness, and pride we look down on one another because we are not of the same church, same denomination, or same culture. If you call yourself a Christian, then you are no longer black, white, or any other culture, Or you are not of Pentecost, or you are not of Baptist but you are of Christ. When you put on the mind of Christ and remember from whom we receive our salvation, and we love as He loved, all the Worldly things will not matter.. If you are a light in the darkness, then remember that light comes from Christ. Let us live in the truth of the Gospel of Christ and walk in it. Thank you for journeying with me. - Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones The Gentiles were not raised knowing the Torah (the law). They didn't know the expectations of God according to that law yet naturally some showed God' law. It showed that God writes on the heart, of everyone, His name and we each naturally know right or wrong. "The Jews could not claim exemption on the ground that they had a special place in God's plan. The Gentiles could not claim exemption on the grounds that they had never received the written law. The Jews would be judged as men and women who had known the law; the Gentiles as people who had a God-given conscience. God will judge us according to what we know and have the change to know." (Excerpt from William Barclay's Romans commentary) Dear Ones, take the change to know God, take the change while you have it to know that He loves you and desires joy, peace, love, kindness, goodness that comes only from Him. Rejoice today that He has given us a written Word to guide us and that we do not have to be as the Gentiles and just wing it. Thank you for journeying with me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts.

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Dear Ones Everything the Jews did was based on the law of God. They truly lived in the law, and believed in the law. Especially those who lived righteously for God. Here Paul is reminding them that though some do not live by the law, they will die and those who live by the law will be judged by the law. Those who live by the law and it manifest in their lives (doers) will be declared righteous. What does this mean? Well, in my simple mind, I will try to explain it. 'Paul's claims that God would impartially judge."(remember verse 11 says there is no favoritism.) But the Jews who were God's chosen people believed that they were above everyone else. They didn't believe that God would treat them as the heathen or the Gentiles. "All who have sinned apart from The law (the law given to the people by Moses also know as the Torah) and those sinned under the law, Paul alleges the results for each group is the same, they will perish. Paul is asserting the equality between Jew and Gentile before God in the judgement. Jews will be condemned even though they have the Torah because God justifies doers of the law, not only who just hear it." (Exert from Encountering the book of Romans)Dear Ones, though we have been set free of the law with the blood sacrificial atonement of animals, we are not free of obeying the Word of God. God does expect his "chosen people" those who call upon the name of Jesus to be doers of the Word and not just hearers. We will be judged one day for the new life we are to be living in Him. Study your Word, know what God desires for you and from you. Thank you for journeying with me. -Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Dear Ones As we reflect on this scripture we see some things that we should take note. One that glory, honor and the best gift of all the gift of peace is given to those who do good. - What does that mean in the eyes of God, to do good? Well, I would translate that into obeying His Word, loving others as he has called, sharing the light to this world which is the Gospel of Christ. We have truly been given a gift as well as a responsibility and God does not show favoritism. We are all called to do the will of God, love one another, and shed the light of Christ to all. Thank you for journeying with me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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Have you ever run into a Christian who seemed absolutely miserable? Every comment they make is negative, and they seem like the joy of the Lord has left. Life is overwhelming and this world in many ways has nothing to offer but pain, misery and sin.  Dear Ones, let me encourage you and remind you that all creation sings praises to our Lord. When we rejoice in Him through our trials, He is faithful to renew our strength. When we give Him thanksgiving in all circumstances, He is faithful to give us His grace in those circumstances.  Rejoice in The Lord, dear Ones, knowing that He is the giver of peace! Allow God to move in you and through you and do not allow your circumstances to keep you from being joyful. Let me challenge you to reflect on things above. Make a list of blessings.. And praise God for those things. Thank you Lord for another day to share your Word of Truth. Thank you for journeying with me- Angie

To live for Christ

As a Believer living for Christ directed by His Word is how we are suppose to live. When you examine your life, can you say that you live and breathe for Christ? If we all honestly examine our lives, we try to throw Christ in every once in a while, maybe just once a week, on Sunday. Dear saints the greatest gift given to us is Christ. Our hearts should be completely dedicated to Christ and our lives should reflect that dedication. Lord, forgive me when my life does not reflect this verse. When my life becomes more about me, than glorifying your Holy Name. Give me strength to live for you.  Thank you for journeying with me - Angie

Casting your cares

Casting your cares. What does that mean? I envision someone taking a rock and throwing it into this enormous lake, never to be seen again. Taking our cares and casting it into the sea of Our Lord, who always cares. The unfortunate part is we think someone cares when they do what we want or what we ask. Not so, the God who cares has heard all you ask of Him in prayer, but remember He knows the future and He knows what is best for you. He is working for your good, so that you may bring Him glory in your life.   Remember that if "we trust the Lord for our soul, then we can trust Him to care for us in all situations." (Paraphrased from morning and evening by Charles Spurgeon)  Thank you for journeying with me. -Angie


As we begin a new year, most start with "new year's resolutions" or promises to be more fit physically, or to change something in their lives.  The last thing thought of is our relationship with Jesus Christ. How many resolve to be closer to Him? How many resolve to read more of the Bible? Or to seek in prayer God's face more? No those aren't the resolutions we seek to make. Today in our scriptures it says DEVOTE Yourself... what does that mean? According to the dictionary devote means: to give up or appropriate to or concentrate on a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, etc. To appropriate by or as if by a vow; set apart or dedicate by a solemn or formal act; consecrate. Dear Saints, let us Devote ourselves this year to be a praying people. To seek Christ with all our hearts with all our souls and with all our minds.  May 2017 be a year where we journey through scripture together, praying, learning, and growing. Thank you for journeying with me...

The Lord regretted

I couldn't imagine the disappointment, The hurt or even the anger the LORD felt towards the human race. At this point the Savior has not come, man has no Holy Spirit, man is making sacrifices for the atonement of sin, communion with God is not within, but external. Man is left to his own understanding and the heart is wicked. The Lord regretted that He made human beings. He regretted it so much that He made plans to wipe the earth except for one man and his family. Noah stood out to God. Mocked by man, Noah remained faithful to His God in spite of what was happening in His society. He lived out God's commands, finding favor with God.  God decided to protect Him.  Today in a land where it doesn't seem much is different when it comes to sin and lack of righteousness, are you, dear Christian, standing up and standing out for righteousness sake? Are you seeking the favor of God over the acceptance of man? Rest assured God is watching and knows your heart. In Christendom today...

The Light of The World

The light without it we would not have life. A gift given to us that we just take advantage of. When the night comes, we just close our eyes, knowing in the morning the sun will bring light. We never give it a thought. We have been given another of light. The greatest gift of light,The Light of this World- Jesus Christ. If it was not for Him we could not see our darkness. His Light cleanses us, and brings light to the shadows of our hearts. Dear Saints if it was not for the Light of the World we would have no hope, we would remain in the darkness of our sin. Praise Jesus today for the sun that lights the sky, but Praise Him mostly for His Light that lights our souls and heart! Thank you for journeying with me- Angie