Dear Ones
As we walk this is one aspect that we tend forget - we forget how deceitful our hearts are. So many times I hear from other believers that they feel in their heart The Lord leading them in a direction and that direction contradicts the Word of God. The Word never ever condones sin and anything that our "heart" leads us to do will most likely lead us to sin.
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart. (Proverbs 21:2 ESV)
Remember we can make excuses for our sinful state- sex out marriage is immorality- we condone it with "oh we plan on marrying anyway. " or " we are engaged". Speaking ill of someone -- " well they offended me or hurt my feelings" Lying, manipulating or using others for selfish gain- more money in your pocket.
All these things we can make excuses for but they are sin. As we stand before a mighty God who sees straight through your facade and straight to who you really are, in that day you will have no more excuses. You will not be able to change or redeem yourself- now is your time to make it right.
Now is your time to change your heart and lean not on your own understanding and seek Christ in all things.
Jesus help us as we truly are a lost generation in need of a Savior. We live lives continually justifying sin. We defile you and your Name by even stating we are believers in you and are Christians which mean "Christ- like" by continuing in sin even though we know we should not. The enemy continues to control our hearts and actions. Lord have your way with us! And help us to see ourselves as you see us!
In Jesus Name Amen
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