First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. (1 Timothy 2:1, 2 ESV)
Dear Ones
How do you hear the voice of God? How do you have a relationship with The Lord?
Well first reading His Word Daily guides you to His Word. Prayer to Him- never ceasing is how we talk to Him. In our prayers we are to give Thanks. We are to give thanks for who are in authority over us, we are to give thanks for all people... Who are the "all people" The Lord is speaking of here -- all people means all people.. We are to pray for everyone we come in contact with. We are to pray for the world so they would be called and submit to His calling. We are to pray for the Saints who need strength to endure the world and darkness.
Dear ones prayer is an important aspect
In our daily walk. Do not take it for granted. It is one of the other wonder gifts given to us when we were called to be His children.
Dear Lord as we head into a new day- we praise you for your goodness and thank you for all you continue to show us in your Word. We give you thanks for the authorities in our lives! Thank you for the people you bring in our lives, help us to see the purpose that we have to pray for them as well as to guide them to the truth of the Gospel. Give us your wisdom and mercy to do as you have asked- in Jesus Name- Amen
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