Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Dear Ones-
This prophecy, as you know, is the prophecy of the coming of our Lord and Savior. The greatest story ever told, the birth of our Savior. How timely is this scripture as we prepare ourselves to celebrate Christmas - the Birth of Christ with family. Truly the world stands still. Christmas morning every soul will be home, opening gifts, unsaved and saved alike, in celebration. Businesses will not open in celebration of this day. ISNT it amazing that though many will open gifts, and many decorate their homes, many will say they don't believe in Christ. If they do not believe then why do they celebrate? Why do they take the time to do what they are doing? Because deep down all souls KNOW that the LORD is who HE says He is.
Rejoice this year- in WHO Christ is, and what HE has done to give us each a new life! It's NOT about the presents but about the person who came as a baby to live a life, to die for you and me!
Solo para la gloria de Dios
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