By Alex
A true story
I sat down at the table, eyeballing the cornbread like a shark with a sweet tooth. After saying grace, we commenced to eating.
"May I have some cornbread, please?" I asked
"Sure" came the reply
I placed my beautiful cornbread on my place. I looked at it and concluded that it was missing something. Hmm, I thought. What could this perfect piece of cornbread be missing? Then it hit me, BUTTER! So I asked my mother for some butter.
"No", she said, " the butter is too hard."
What! I was mortified, denied butter because it was too hard. How could she? So, I tried again.
"Please, may I have some butter?", I said, trying to look as cute as possible.
" NO, its still too hard," she said.
I'll get her, I thought.
" Pretty, please?" I pleaded.
"OK" she said, with a mischevious look in her eye. " I'll give you some butter."
Then taking my perfect piece of cornbread she did the UNTHINKABLE, she smashed the butter onto the bread. I watched it crumble like playdough in a baby's hand. I was humiliated. With the laughter of everyone ringing in my head the only thought I had was, IF ONLY I HAD LISTENED!
I had to share with all of you the true story that Alex wrote in English class today. I never laughed so hard in my life. He articulated himself so well, and I truly believe those were his thoughts at the time of this incident which happened about 6 years ago!(making him 10 years old at the time!)
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