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Why I love Baby Signing Time

Why do I love Baby Signing Time, One reason is  the creative way Little Hands Productions creates each video with song, and Hopkins. I love the way it gives children a way to communicate before words are even capable of being formed.

I love to watch Noah as he is totally enthrawed in the Baby signing time show. I love to watch him attempt to follow Rachel as she signs and how he points Hopkins out to the family when he hops on the screen.  What I love most- is that fact that Noah seems to know and understand us when we use signs to communicate to him, or to try to understand what his wants or needs are. 
I truly believe that Baby signing Time is a great way for families to gather together in a learning atmosphere whether you have a need for sign language or not. 


  1. I love watching sign language. I used to know some sign, but have forgotten all but the alphabet. That's awesome to teach the babies!

    Engrafted by His Grace-


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