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Showing posts from 2011

10 weeks and my Christmas blessing

She is now 10 weeks, smiling, cooing and just being aware of her surroundings and all of the people she deems important. Daddy has to work hard to get this little one to smile at him. It is a change for this house. Most of the time Daddy is the man... he steals their hearts before I even have an opportunity to win their hearts. This time this little one loves mama... makes me feel important and special.Special because she preferrs me, smiles at me, and calms down when mama picks her up. My heart just burst over this little one. What a joy she is. Her big brother duck- Has adjusted to our new miracle wonderfully. He loves her to pieces. Tells me, mama you hold her and I will hold the bottle so I can feed her. Makes my heart burst with joy knowing he loves her so. He is such a special blessing to me. I am so humbled that our Lord Jesus saw me worthy to have not just one reversal miracle but two reversal miracles. My Christmas blessings... Angie

7 weeks and just so precious

It's amazing how time flies. At 7 weeks she is cooing,and her personality is starting to show. She is trying to smile, you can see her joy in her eyes. Also her temperament shows as well. Patience is definitely a learned trait. Patience she does not have. You can see she's recognizing faces, and that she has preferences. One of her preferences is me. She barely goes to anyone else without putting up a fuss. I kind of enjoy it but at the same time can be really exhausting. I know that this time will go fast... We are at 7 weeks now, so I cherish each second with joy and praise to our King Jesus for the gift she is. Happy Thanksgiving Angie

5 years old.. unbelievable

On Nov 13-- my boy turned 5 years old. Though in his mind he thinks he is equivalent to my 21 year old. In alot of ways he and can keep up with him conversationally, especially if you are talking about the latest video game. He is a bit obsessed with video games, he loves spiderman, we watch the movie at least 20 times a week. He is a carbs junkie, French fries is his choice food. He thinks he knows everything because you say something and he says "I know". His favorite football team is the Jets, funny thing is, he doesn't watch football.( happens to be his grandfathers favorite team) This year we had a spiderman themed party that was suppose to have a few kids but it ended up being a young adult party with just two little kids, him and his friend Xavier. His guests.... To my first miracle- I love you-- Happy Birthday. Angie/Mom

3 weeks and 4 days-- wow!

As I sit here and look into this sweet little face-- I am amazed how quickly time is going. In a way it makes my heart very sad because I know there is no way to stop the clock and make time go slower. I know there is no way to prolong this time. In a blink she is now 3 weeks and 4 days...she will be a month this next Sunday-- a month Wow... These past few weeks have not been the easiest. Having her at home was amazing- the most peaceful, non evasive delivery I have ever had. The presence of the Lord was evident. There were no loud machines, no cold instruments, no icy rooms, just soft worship music in the background, warm water and soft voices. Then reality hit.. My beloved stayed home the night she was born to help take care of me and the baby and the house, but the very next day less than 24 hours later he went to work leaving me with a puking 4 year old, and 5 young adults. I felt bad for Noah and for my daughter because Noah wanted a parent and Maria was in over her head dealing ...

Birthing story from my own perspective.....

Sunday-October 2nd, 2011-- started normal. I got up and started preparing for church, waking everyone up so we could make it to our church 10th Anniversary service on time. It was cool, and cloudy out so instead of the "celebration" happening outside in park like it was suppose to, we had it inside at the church. I had to hurry to make sure our dish for the celebration was ready, so I ran downstairs and started cooking. Of course we were not on time for church but because of the celebration it wasn't starting on time. When we arrived everyone was wondering if I wasnt there because I was in "labor". But I waddled in and everyone greeted me with " oh, you are here... how are you feeling?" Seemed to be the question of the hour because it was getting so close to the due date. (Oct 3rd) Church started about 11:00 and so did my contractions.. I sat down and had my first strong contraction. I thought it was the normal contractions that I had been having fo...

Photos of Eliana

being checked out by midwife Being weighed First born

Eliana's birthing thru the eyes of my unofficial doula/ and very special friend

Here is the story of Eliana's birth- written by a very special friend who stayed with me till my midwife arrived , while my beloved was busy getting things ready and through the birth.... Eliana's Birthing story By Kim Folks When I was training to be a Doula one of the things we were encouraged to do was to write a birth story for the families we worked with and for ourselves but especially for the babies :) How awesome would it be to be able to read our own birth stories. We try but often forget details and don't take time to record the memory. So I hope this can be something you can share with Eliana one day and enjoy :) Well when I woke this morning I was excited for our church's 10th Anniversary/ picnic. The weather was unusually cold, 43 degrees, so the picnic was moved indoors which turned out to be very convienient since the Sellars live 1 block from church. At 1030am the Sellars weren't there yet so I called thinking maybe they weren't there beca...

" Geez- You are big"

These are words that have been expressed to me in the past week. I often wonder, do people not think about what they say or how they say it? Do they not stop to think that this could hurt someone's feelings or their self-esteem? As baby grows, I grow.. nothing I can do about that. She is getting big, so in turn I am getting big. Trust me I look in the mirror- I see how big I am. I also get on the scale, I know how big I am. But it is not a big because I am fat, eating too much and gaining weight for no reason. I have a life in me, growing, preparing herself to come into this world. I pray a healthy babe as well! I could not imagine coming up to a pregnant woman and looking at her and saying "Geez- you are big" I had one person come up to me who had not seen me since January or February-- she looks at me and says " Are you having twins?" I say "No" She continues on by saying " Wow- you are huge!" I walked away thinking how rude! Really-- am ...


As time gets closer for this little one to arrive in this world, all these fears keep trying to creep up. The main one is she going to be healthy? Will she have any problems? Will she have down syndrome?( because as you know I am so OLD and I am having a baby-- sorry for the sarcasm) And how will I handle that? Am I making a mistake having her at home? Will the midwives be able to handle anything? I keep trying to tell myself that these fears are normal. That no matter what everything will be ok. But have you ever tried to talk yourself out of being afraid... it does not work very well. I know all things are in the hands of the One who created the universe, the one who stops the ocean in the right spot, and the one who places the moon where it is. I know He is my strength when I am weak. He is my comforter, and my strong tower. And honestly He knows my strengths, weaknesses and knows just what He is doing... so tell me why do I not feel it? Why do I still allow these fears to capture...


In our church we have started reading this book... I am excited to see what the Lord is going to do in all our lives. The challenge this brings to me, my life, and whether I truly Love Jesus as He would want... hurts my feelings some... The first chapter makes some powerful points - Do we believe Jesus is so good, so satisfying, and so rewarding that we will leave all we have, all we own, and all we are to find our fullness in Him?? Would you? In this chapter-- we were to consider the cost involved in personally following Jesus Christ.... My thoughts: " The cost Christ paid seems so much greater a cost that I would pay for following Him, Yes--ok I may be mocked in this country, criticized, but death is not something we fear. So my heart question-- Would I be willing to die for Him? Now that is something we would all probably say yes to but when face with, when a gun is truly at your head-- thats when the truth be known! " Lord I pray that this book will challenge my family b...

Lesson from Leprosy and a Leper part 2

Luke 5:12-13 A Man Cleansed 12 While He was in one of the towns, a man was there who had a serious skin disease all over him. He saw Jesus, fell facedown, and begged Him: Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean. 13 Reaching out His hand, He touched him, saying, I am willing; be made clean, and immediately the disease left him. These verses have reminded me how defiled I am before the eyes of God Yahweh without the cleansing hand of our Saviour.... On Sunday Pastor David continued on this very eye opening point on sin... If you did not read the first blog or listen to the first sermon, go back you don't want to miss the first part. Here is the link for the sermon.... Second part Notes: II. The Lords concern What Jesus was about should be what we are about! A. Lord is compassionate to the leper We don't know the last time this leper felt human touch, and our Lord reaches out and touches him. This is minis...

Jesus Thank you...

Yesterday was our communion service-a time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that was given so that I could have a relationship with Abba Father. The sacrifice that no human could fathom or endure. At church they played a song during communion that was a reminder of who I was before this sacrifice. I was his enemy, so defiled from sin that He could not look upon me. But to the glory of His Son Jesus-- his blood washed away my sins and thank you seems so meager of words to say to one who laid down His life for me. I pray this song touches you, reminds you of who you are with Him, and gives you a heart of gratitude towards the Sacrifice He was so will to make for YOU! Angie

31 weeks

This pregnancy seems to have flown by. I guess because I focused on life. I focused on each day, rejoicing as this little one grew, rejoicing as she kicked, and knowing that every moment I received carrying this blessing was a kiss from my Lord Jesus himself. I am far from ready for this little one. I was blessed with a crib from my dad, and a swing from him as well. I received a few articles of clothing from a coworker of Paul's( very sweet lady) who gave me things she won't wear till next year( at one years old) That's it-- I have no crib sheets. I DO have baby blankets( plenty of those) From the McDaniel family I received a diaper bag, and from my life long dear friend and her mother I received a baby monitor. There is so much more needed for this bundle. It will come-- I know it :) We have decided that we will be having this little one at home. I am a bit anxious over this decision. It's the norm-- stepping into the unknown, the foreign, leaves anxiety, but I am con...

Grieving heart....

Hello again... I know the times I have blog have been few, but I am here and blessed to know that when I need to share you all there to listen. The past day or so I have had a grieving heart.. NO it is not life, NO it is not my wonderful beloved husband or my Wonderful children. It is for women, Godly women, women of Christ that is who my heart is grieving for. For those women who love the Lord, desire to live for Him, and just can not seem to do it, or just unsure if they are. For those young women who have just come to Christ, and feel so alone. For those women who are home moms, doing what they believe the Lord has called them to do, be keepers of the home, but deal with loneliness, and desire Godly companionship, and accountability with other women. For women-- who sometimes just want to hear another women's voice for encouragement in the Word of what their roles is and how important their roles in the home. I have been listening to sermons the last few days by wonderful, stron...

Lessons from Leprosy and Leper

This is a fabulous sermon-- a must listen. These are the notes that Link to the sermon: Lev 13:45-46- separation,repulsive to others Luke 5:12 Leprosy is a picture of sin. A. The Lesson from Leprosy 1. Sin defiled and disables the sinner. Isaiah 64:6 Leprosy starts small and slowly grows. Sin slowly grows, here and there. Sin starts out small, looks good, and fun and then it grows and destroys you. 2. Sin causes distance and breath down of relationships. Sin can paralyze relationships 3. Sin results in loneliness for sinner. Sin lies to you- tells you are the only one 4. Sin creates a desensitized conscience Ephesians 4:18-19 5. Sin grows increasingly worse, ending in spiritual death. 6. Sin has no human cure Titus 3:3-5 B. A lesson from a Leper A sinner must appeal to Jesus Christ for cleansing 1. Act of humility 2. Words of Faith

Conformed minds.....

This has been on my mind since listening to Voddie Bauchman's sermon "When is He ready?"-- one of the first thing he states is how we conform so easily to the thoughts, and ways of society... and it is so true. We conformed to everything it tells us too-why? People conform when it comes to training up their own children. Society has stated parents are incapable of teaching their children, so you must send them to the institutions because we will do such a better job than you can ever think of doing.. HMM-- has that even come to pass? We are brain washed to think that the "professionals" know exactly what they are doing. Did you know that teachers books are so detailed with explanations of how to teach the children that they even tell them exactly what to say for each lesson??? No one knows your child like you do, so who better to teach them but you... you love them, want to see them succeed and be the best. Your investment is your heart and soul, some teachers ...

New/old friends...

I know the title has made you go hmmm, right? Let me explain, we have had the priviledge and the blessing to have met new friends the Bucklins for the first time in the 6 years that we have known them. (old friends) We met the Bucklins through a reversal ministry that "fell apart" not long after we met. In that time, we(the Bucklins and the Sellers) knew we could not let a ministry like that just die, so we started The Lord's Heritage. A reversal ministry that was for those who realize that children are a heritage from the Lord and get convicted of taking matters into their own hands instead allowing God be who he is, God. But in the time of establishing the ministry and over the years, all correspondence with this winderful family has always been with phone calls, email,facebook and photos. For the first time we have been able to talk to them face to face, and truly fellowship. It has been such a blessing, because though distance ,family obligations, and finances h...

Last few days....

past few days have been busy. It started Friday with Maria and Joey's CCA(Commonwealth Connections Academy) end of the school year celebration. We celebrated at Hershey Park. It was fun to see all the teachers that have been answering emails, and helping them make it through their classes... side note I still homeschool- but Maria and Joseph actually are cyberschooling. Here is a photo of Joseph with his and Reia's homeroom teacher- [caption id="attachment_866" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Joey and Mrs. Fisher"] [/caption]   Saturday the gang refereed all day- which meant mom did alot of running around. Sunday, we went to church and then were blessed to spend the evening hanging out with our Pastor and his family [caption id="attachment_867" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Their 5 year old daughter"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_869" align="aligncenter"...

My sisters Blog

My sister has finally made the plunge into the world of blogging! She is the most creative and artistic person I know. She is my counterpart, my opposite. Where she is creative, artistic and amazing, I am organized, serious, and much more conservative. The two us together make the best team! Here is her blog: check it out,she will be posting how to videos, and sharing her artistic, creative talents! Trust me her blog is worth following! Angie

them getting bigger, it gets easier....

[caption id="attachment_855" align="aligncenter" width="272" caption="guiding Sheep is not an easy task"] [/caption] whoever told me that was lying with a capital L. C hildren getting older does not mean they get easier!! Actually the older they get the more complicated things become. When they were young they were so willing to help. If mom was cleaning they wanted to clean too, if mom was doing laundry they wanted to help fold. Now.. ugh to get them to pick up their own dirty clothes, fold their own stuff, and put it away is like having a root canal! And opinions fly as fast as the attitude comes... pet peeve- ATTITUDE!  Some would say they get it honestly...hush is what I would say. (haha) Grown children are not easy ladies. Especially when you worked so hard to raise them in the Word of the Lord, and spent lots of time discipling, guiding and praying with each of them. You keep guiding them away from the pits and darkness towards the light. I...

Fun in the Sun

Ducky has gotten a pool in the back yard. It is not a very big pool, but it is big enough for some of his older brothers to sit in it with him and play with him. He loves it and has had a blast playing in it. Even the next door neighbors dog has a small pool... Maggie our Neighbors dog Have fun this summer... stay cool... Angie

Re-examining my heart....

The past few days I have been thinking about where I was spiritually last year and where I am today. I am so sad to say that I am not where I would like to be. Actually I would say I have regressed so tremendously and I have no idea what the cause of it was? Where the regression and compromise began? How did it get to this?? I want to know the cause becuase how do you prevent it from happening in the future if you dont know when and where it began? Am I making any sense to anyone out there? It is always good to look back, to exam our hearts to see where we were and where we are... It is always a reminder of the LORD's grace and mercy. His provisions and protection in our lives as we walk forward and look back and see all He has done. It is still true inspite of my regression and compromise-He has guided me, protected me, provided, and strengthened me in times of weakness.  I often wonder why? I certainly do not deserve it!!  But yet known of us do, do we? I am trying to find my way...

Graduation and pregnancy....

It's unbelievable that time has gone by that fast that I have two that have graduated from High School. Home schooling them was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I am grateful and thankful that I did it, and the Lord gave me the strength to get through it. Alex will be starting college the fall and heading to chiropractic school. Samuel also will start college in the fall in hopes to get into sports medicine. On another note my pregnancy is going well. I am now 20 weeks and can feel the baby move and kick. We found out Tuesday we are having another girl. Our second girl in a house of boys! Maria and I are so excited. We have someone we can dress in pink and make pretty! My pretty princess will now see how wonderful it is to have a sister even if there is 16 years between them. She will be the most amazing big sister! I am trying to figure out what to do to get myself back to blogging.... Have any of you been through a dry spell like this? Thanks to those of you who stay faith...

What Kind of Sower are You?

Mark 4:3-8 3 “Listen! Consider the sower who went out to sow. 4 As he sowed, this occurred: Some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Other seed fell on rocky ground where it didn’t have much soil, and it sprang up right away, since it didn’t have deep soil. 6 When the sun came up, it was scorched, and since it didn’t have a root, it withered. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it didn’t produce a crop. 8 Still others fell on good ground and produced a crop that increased 30, 60, and 100 times what was sown.” Jesus' explanation of this parable: Mark 4:14-20 14 The sower sows the word. 15 These are the ones along the path where the word is sown: when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word sown in them. 16 And these are the ones sown on rocky ground: when they hear the word, immediately they receive it with joy. 17 But they have no root in themselves; they are short-lived. When pressure or persecution...

Family Betrayal

Mark 3:21 When His family heard this, they set out to restrain Him, because they said, “He’s out of His mind.” I am having a hard time understanding why Mary would do this to her Son? She knew how she conceived Him and knew who He was? Why would she say He is "out of his mind"? Families, the ones in your life you are suppose to be able to rely on. The ones who are suppose to be the most encouraging,and have the most faith in you are the ones that cause you greatest disappointment. I wonder how Jesus felt knowing this how His family felt and thought of Him? Betrayed, as we do or would? How many of you have felt that same kind betrayal from your family? What was Jesus' answer to that betrayal? Mark 3:33-35 33 He replied to them, “Who are My mother and My brothers?” 34 And looking about at those who were sitting in a circle around Him, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! 35 Whoever does the will of God is My brother and sister and mother.” It is hard for us to und...

I won- really?

On Saturday I receive this text message from one of my BFF's. She says I need your address. I am thinking ok- well I know she wants to send me some CDs of Tony Evans. Then she goes on to tell me that I won her contest she was having on her blog...I won? I never win at anything I told her. She is very talented and sews things for new mamas. She makes nursing capes, bibs, even bedding, you should check out her store : She is also a blogger as well- woman of many talents- you will find that out if you read her blog... Thanks Tasha for blessing this mama not only by selecting me to win, but being a sister in Christ and my best friend. Love you girl Angie

Why people Fall by Pastor David Smith

Yesterday was an excellent sermon by our new pastor. He has been speaking on the topic of temptation and this sermon of course ties into that , Why People Fall? The text comes from Proverbs 7- 1 My son, keep my words, And lay up my commandments with thee. 2 Keep my commandments and live; And my law as the apple of thine eye. 3 Bind them upon thy fingers; Write them upon the tablet of thy heart. 4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; And call understanding thy kinswoman: 5 That they may keep thee from the strange woman, From he foreigner that flattereth with her words. 6 For at the window of my house I looked forth through my lattice; 7 And I beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, A young man void of understanding, 8 Passing through the street near her corner; And he went the way to her house, 9 In the twilight, in the evening of the day, In the middle of the night and in the darkness. 10 And, behold, there met him a woman With the attire of a harlot, and wily of ...

New Beginnings, New church

The one thing about moving is new beginnings you get to experience. It is always difficult because we have to start over in church, making friends, find doctors among so many other things that come with moves. This move has been no different. It gets lonely at times having to start over and make friends.The Lord has blessed us though, by bringing us to a church that we all really love right away. Grace Fellowship  is a fellowship not only with GREAT strong leadership, but you see the love of Christ within the fellowship. Two things that were important to us. WE pray and hope that we can find our place in this place and do what the Lord has called us to do- serve!(pray for us) What else- I am growing- [caption id="attachment_822" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="11 weeks"] [/caption] baby is strong, nausea has subsided some but not completely. I am tired MOST of the time, and feel very blessed to have a new life growing with in me. Even as s...

trusting the Lord

These past few weeks have been very difficult for me. Each day a challenge, and full of fear that the precious gift the Lord has given us - the Baby will survive. For those of you who don't know the Lord has blessed us with another pregnancy. The beginning has a been rocky. Different than all the other pregnancies. I have a hematoma in my uterus which of course has caused some bleeding. My doctor is not worried, baby is growing and has a very strong heart beat. It has left me in fear because this is uncharted territory for me. In the past I become pregnant and have no complications, nothing out of the ordinary. This hematoma has brought a different aspect to this pregnancy and has left me fearful of a loss. I have had to come to a place where my fear I had to lay at the feet of the cross, and know that the Lord has all things in the palm of his hands.He blessed us with this life and this life is HIS to mold and shape. The pregnancy is going normal per say. Morning sickness has take...

Prayer of my heart

My heart, my prayer- Psalm 143 1Hear my prayer, O Jehovah; give ear to my supplications: In thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. 2And enter not into judgment with thy servant; For in thy sight no man living is righteous. 3For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; He hath smitten my life down to the ground: He hath made me to dwell in dark places, as those that have been long dead. 4Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; My heart within me is desolate. 5I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy doings; I muse on the work of thy hands. 6I spread forth my hands unto thee: My soul thirsteth after thee, as a weary land. Selah 7Make haste to answer me, O Jehovah; my spirit faileth: Hide not thy face from me, Lest I become like them that go down into the pit. 8Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; For in thee do I trust: Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; For I lift up my soul unto thee. 9Deliver me, O Jehovah, from mine enemies: I flee...

News from PA

Dear Friends It has been a while- seems to be the themes of all my posts lately. But life has been on busy side since I arrived here in PA. Helping in dads school, trying to spend time with my parents as much as I can, in between helping Paul get started with college, he is also working. I also have been helping the other boys finish high school to be sure that they participate in graduation by May 14th. Yes finally two more will be graduating, it will be over, this phase of their life anyway. Maria and Joey are doing ABSOLUTELY wonderful in cyberschool. Which makes me very happy and reassures me that this was a good decision for them. Noah is growing and more than ready to start learning, but time seems to be an issue and I have NO idea where to start. The typical going over his ABC's seems to bore him out of his mind. So I have to come up with a better way. I will start researching kindergarten curriculum, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated from other homeschoolers. B...

Losing Touch

Dear Friends... please pray for me and my family. We are losing touch of our faith. This move has taken a toll on us spiritually. Moving also means trying to find a church, and honestly Sam and I just do not have the energy to church hop. We just do not want to go through the normal going into a church, never being noticed or never feeling welcoming, going through the motions congregations.  Its every where all across America desperate souls walk into a church seeking a family, and they walk away wondering where is the love of Christ?! Be careful dear saints, open your eyes.. we do not go to church to feel good or for ourselves, we go to glorify Christ and be a part of the body... when was the last time you went up to a total stranger in church and showed them the love of Christ? When was the last time you opened your home to those you do not know? I think its time we show others how much Christ loves them Angie

Glorifying Christ in all you do

Since I have arrived in Pa.. I have been working. It is the first time in years that I have worked. Not because I had to, to help pay a bill, or catch us up, but to bless another and meet the need of another. I have been out of the work place for a while. Not having to deal with people on this level. I can say it is not easy to show the love of Christ to those who really just have NO CLUE. Since arriving here these pressing thoughts have been in my mind- Where is the work ethic? Where is loyalty to your job or your co-workers? What happened to treating to others as you would want to be treated? Where is the principle if you are asked to go one mile go the extra mile? I was raised by Catholic Christians during the school year and a Pentecostal Christian in the summer. Yes each doctrine seems to be miles apart from each other never even touching. Through both of these exposures I knew there is a God, a creator of the Universe, One who directs our paths, and whom we will answer to one day...


Its always fun to be recognized by another blogger. They let you know how much they love your blog, your thoughts, or even just the design of your blog... Thanks Wendy at FAiths Firm foundation Rules for accepting this award are: 1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this. 2. Share 7 things about yourself. 3. Pay it forward to 15 (or however many you want) recently discovered great bloggers. 4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award! 7 things about myself:  1. I am married to a wonderful,Godly man-Samuel 2. I am a mother of six wonderful Warriors for Christ. 3. I love photography- no kidding really.. just lately have not had time to pick my camera up. 4. Pennsylvania is the state I grew up in and is where my heart lies. I love this state. 5. My sister Melissa is my best friend. My heart hurts for her presents in my life. She is fun, funny and just someone everyone loves. 6. I am a servant of Jesus Christ. 7. I am getting ready to go back to college....

hello again

[caption id="attachment_790" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Christmas Day"] [/caption] Time passes so fast. Each day seems to blend into the other. The house is all unpacked- kind of. We still have odds and ends here and there to unpack but for the most part essentials, and rooms are unpacked. Christmas came and went-which by the way was pleasant to be in our own home to celebrate the birth of Christ Dad and his crew Mom and all her babes 2011 is here for us all. I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord is doing in 2011.  There are lots of things happening here: My eldest has started his first full time job. This is a job that we have prayed for. One that took over a year for the Lord to grant. It has been his first few days so it is hard to tell how it will work out but I am grateful to the Lord for answered prayer. Joey and Maria are starting cyber-schooling. We are heading in a different direction with homeschooling. It is not a ...